[FREE LEGAL LANGUAGE] Force majeure clause for your client agreements My thoughts have been going out to you and your beloveds as we all navigate the coronavirus situation in this country and around the world. It’s a difficult and scary time for all of us, and I am...
It’s important to be prepared…but not paralyzed by fear In the midst of preparation for the effects of the coronavirus in our country, it’s easy to feel anxious in the midst of all of this uncertainty. It’s more important than ever to remain calm and do...
How to quiet the critter brain and feel safe to expand One of my favorite topics to talk about (besides the law!) is TIME. More specifically… Bending or condensing time to get results faster and more effortlessly. There are several ways to talk about bending...
Reach your Big Hairy Goals with a Legal Starter Kit Lately, I’ve been thinking about the relationship between safety and risk when it comes to biz…I call it “The Paradox of Safety and Risk”: We don’t take risks unless we feel safe first. Ironically, we have to feel...
[FREE CLASS TODAY] How to lighten your legal & brighten your biz in a new way Join me TODAY for the free class on how to make biz and law feel lighter and brighter (because who wants to work with boring strategic plans and stuffy legal documents?) We’re going to...