2 legal issues around using AI in your business

by | Jun 14, 2023 | DIY Legal Master Classes

Using AI in your business? Great!

But be thinking about the legal concerns about AI too. (Yes, there are legal concerns!)😀

What are 2 of the hottest legal issues coming up lately?🔥

They have to do with Copyright.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’re a health coach. You used AI to edit part of a newsletter you wrote on why people should eat more soluble fiber. You started to write about eating more black beans, avocado and sweet potatoes and their stinkier side effects (ahem!).

You wanted to make your article funnier so you asked AI to help you infuse some (easily-digested!) humor into what you wrote.

You used ChatGPT or Jasper, or another AI site to help you.

You dropped in your text, added your prompt, and AI spit out a knee-slapping version of why people should eat more beans with some silly potty humor to make the topic more palatable. (No pun intended!)

But here’s the tricky part… Using AI to write or edit raises some legal issues around copyright:

If YOU wrote part of the text and AI wrote part of the text, who actually is the author?

Do YOU own the content?

Does AI own the content?

Do you BOTH own the content?

And what if you decided to put that same enewsletter content into a book? Can you copyright it? How does that work?


If you write marketing content, social media, newsletters, books – or anything really – and you use AI (or plan to in the future), the answer is something that you need to know…

So I’ve created an easy way for you to do that.

Join me for a LIVE Legal Master Class for you called “What do I need to know when using AI in my business?” on Wednesday, June 21 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET.



It’s the same price as my DIY Legal Master Classes… only it’s a LIVE Master Class.

A 1-hour LIVE group call on Zoom on June 21st. (And yes, it will be recorded.) 

Because I know you have questions and I want to get you answers quickly.

Register for just $97 here.

If you are a coach, entrepreneur, practitioner or business wonder who has been wanting to use AI to generate content, this class is for you.

This LIVE Legal Master Class will help you understand how to harness AI’s potential legally, safely and ethically.

We’ll answer questions such as:

  • What are the legal risks of using AI?
  • How can I protect the text, images or videos I create with AI?
  • How can I avoid copyright violations?
  • How can I use AI in a way that’s ethical to reduce bias & discrimination?
  • What privacy issues do I need to know to protect myself – and my clients?
  • and more….

Register now for this LIVE Legal Master Class and you’ll receive:

  • Access to the LIVE 60-Minute Master Class on Wednesday June 21 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET (and the recording too!).
  • Tip Sheet in plain English to help you use AI in your business with peace of mind with notes you can keep and refer to as a helpful legal resource.

Here’s to using AI – and to being on the cutting edge and getting the legal scoop!

I can’t wait to see you there!