The safer you feel legally, the braver you become.

by | Jun 13, 2022 | Courage

One of the BEST ways to expand your business is having a strong legal foundation.

Here’s why:

When you have a solid legal foundation for your business, you feel safer, you exhale, you step up, and you stop playing small.

When you feel rooted and grounded, you relax.

When you use legal documents that have your back, you stop holding yourself back.

When you feel safe to step up, you tire of playing small.

When you feel safe, you feel more comfortable sending out an email about your new course offer so you can enroll 25 new clients.

Or posting new photos online from a recent photo shoot to upgrade your website so you can be more visible.

Or reaching out to someone you look up to about appearing as a guest expert on their podcast so you can expand your reach.

We only close our eyes, take a deep breath, and draw on our deep well of courage to do any of these things if we feel we’re bolstered by solid ground.

That’s just how it works. The more secure we feel, the courageous we are. The less safe we feel, the more we hold back.

So, if you want to grow, expand, or stretch yourself in your biz, take steps to feel safer.

Use legal documents like contracts and disclaimers and legal terms. Form an LLC or S-Corp to hold and support your business. Post disclaimers on your blog posts to be clear about who you are and what you do. File a trademark to protect your brand.

Legal Love Tip™: The safer you feel legally, the braver you become.



So I’m curious…

If you’re holding yourself back right now, what do you need to feel safe to move forward?

What unanswered legal questions do you have?

What’s still scary to you?

How can I help?

Please just reply and let me know. I’d love to hear – and to help.

Remember…. building a business is all about feeling safe so you can become more courageous.

I’m here to help you on the legal front. I always want to do whatever I can to make the legal parts of your biz a little bit easier for you.

Here’s to feeling safe and finding courage!