Announcing a LIVE Legal Master Class on AI.

by | Jun 12, 2023 | DIY Legal Master Classes

Imagine this: You’re a business owner, and you’ve just discovered a new tool that promises to revolutionize the way you do business.

It’s called AI.

Everyone’s talking about it.

But what is AI exactly? And how can you use AI in a way that’s legally safe when it comes to copyright laws?

If you’ve only vaguely been paying attention to AI while scrolling the ‘gram lately…here’s the quick and dirty:

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a type of computer software that engages in human-like activities such as learning, planning, and problem-solving.

What’s the main benefit of AI?

It can process and analyze data much faster than a human brain could. This is life-changing – and biz-changing.

What can AI do for you as a coach or small biz owner?

AI can generate content, such as text, images, and music, WITHOUT human intervention. This saves you tons of time, energy and money.

(A few weeks ago I wrote about a comic book author who used AI to create some images, but ran into tricky copyright issues – check it out here.)

What can you use AI for specifically?

E-newsletters, sales pages, website content, blog posts, ebooks, social media posts, reels, stories and soooo much more. It can help you create text and images for anything. The options are endless.

Are there legal risks to using AI in your business? Yes, especially when it comes to Copyright infringement.

Copyright is a biggie. Or as Julia Roberts said in “Pretty Woman” when telling the luxury shop owners they made a mistake in not helping her out when she was scantily clad… “HUGE!”

What do you need to know about how to use AI-generated images and text pulled from ChatGPT or other AI sources?

Who really owns those images?

What are the copyright issues involved?

Find out in an all new LIVE Legal Master Class for you called “What do I need to know when using AI in my business?” on Wednesday June 21 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET.



Register for just $97 here.

Who’s this Master Class for?

Any coach, entrepreneur, practitioner or business owner who wants to legally and safely use AI to generate content for marketing purposes such as:

  • e-newsletters
  • sales pages
  • website content
  • blog posts
  • programs & courses
  • social media posts
  • Instagram stories & reels
  • and so much more….

What will you learn?

This LIVE Legal Master Class is a quick way to understand the legally safe use of AI in your business. You’ll learn about:

– copyright issues you need to know – like how to protect images YOU create with AI and how to use AI-generated content legally.

– privacy issues you need to know – how to protect yourself and your clients.

– ethics – and how to use AI responsibly.

– and more…

Scared of AI? I get it… but learning about it helps you feel grounded and safe.

In this fast-changing tech world, it’s normal to feel unsettled and uncomfortable with AI without knowing what we can – and can’t – do with this powerful generative tool.

When you’re clear about how to legally and ethically use AI in your business, you feel more grounded, rooted and confident.

If you’re a forward-thinking biz owner, this Master Class will help you learn how to protect your creations using AI and not violate others’ rights as you stay ahead of the curve.

I want to help you foster safety, stability and the rooted knowledge that you’re embracing AI in a way that’s legally safe and that builds trust with your clients and partners.

Sound good?

Register now and be the first get the scoop about AI and legal issues on June 21.

And oh! Unlike my DIY Legal Master Classes, I wanted to hold this class LIVE due to the newness and urgency of these AI issues.

The class will be recorded, but I hope you’ll join me live!

I can’t wait to see you there!

What do you need to know on the legal front about using AI? Find out in my LIVE DIY Legal Master Class on June 21. Get the details and register here.