These Legal Pickles™ are a punch in the gut for your PayPal account

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Blog

I hate it when I see amazing entrepreneurs get into a Legal Pickle™ like my client Jane.

Jane offers a high end business coaching program for $5,000. Jane’s client had been excited to sign up, paid in full and had a productive first session.

By the second session, however, Jane’s client suddenly got cold and distant….and shortly after that, Jane’s client requested a chargeback from her credit card company to stop payment to Jane.

WHAAAT? Jane not only lost the $5,000 (which she was counting on to pay her mortgage), she basically also didn’t get paid for the first and second coaching sessions. Not cool!

If you’ve ever had this happen to you, not only is it a punch in the gut, but it’s a kick in the teeth for your Paypal account.

It hurts to see that much money taken away, and it’s even harder to know how to fight it.

You need to know what to say and what to do to keep your money safe.

And, I’d hate to hear you say I shoulda-coulda-woulda when you can learn how to PREVENT these sour situations from happening in the first place.


No more Legal Pickles™ for you, my friend!

Join me for my first content-filled FREE, LIVE webinar in the series TODAY!

Easy Legal Steps to Avoid Legal Pickles™



TODAY at 2 pm ET/ 11 am PT

Webinar #1:
“Clients Who Ask for Refunds & Don’t Pay You”

Sign up for the webinar series here. You don’t want to miss this one!

You’ll learn exactly what to do & say to get paid – so you can keep your income.

You’ll also receive an easy legal tip sheet with talking points to help you take a sour situation and turn it into sweet success!

There’s no launch. No program offer. No sales pitch involved. I’m just celebrating the launch of my new WEBSITE this month by sharing this all-new content with you!

Sign up for TODAY’S WEBINAR right here.


Here’s to not giving refunds anymore when you don’t want to give them!

After you sign up for the webinar, you may want to check out my “Book Love List” for some new good reads.  Check it out on my new website here.