Work with one-on-one clients but you don’t have a contract?


Don’t wing it without having a solid agreement in writing.


A Client Agreement helps you EXPAND your income
so you get paid.

what is a client agreement?

Client Agreement is the contract you use with one-on-one clients that spells out your client policies so clients show up and pay you!

Client Agreements are used for one-on-one services for coaches and non-licensed practitioners.

If you offer group programs or online courses, you’ll need Terms of Use instead.

If you’re a licensed practitioner operating under your license, you’ll need to use the Informed Consent Form – not the Client Agreement.

Trust me, you have serious income to protect.

When you have your Client Agreement up to date, all of a sudden you feel ready to enroll your next client. Your program details and policies are clear and in writing, and when you have it in place, your next client knows where to land.

Your Client Agreement is a GIFT to you – and also your clients.

It helps YOU:

Heart Bulletlimit your liability because it contains your disclaimers & limitations.

Heart Bulletprotect your time, money and energy with key legal language including a no refund policy.

Heart Bulletstop missed payments so no more chasing down money!

Heart Bullethave a written refund policy that’s super-clear.

Heart Bulletavoid headaches and awkwardness about missed calls or appointments.

Heart Bulletattract stronger clients by creating clearer energetic boundaries.

Your contract really needs to be personalized for you and your programs.

The generic contract from your school or training program isn’t going to cut it for long because it is designed for EVERYONE using your school’s exact sample program. Unless you are using a generic cookie-cutter program with every single client, your contract really needs to cover the details of your unique programs.

Your Client Agreement protects you in PRACTICAL ways with written legal language to fall back on, AND SPIRITUALLY it supports your sacral chakra by raising your energetic frequency to attract more of what you want and EXPANDING your money, creativity, and abundance.

why do you need it?

So your clients SHOW UP FOR YOU at their best – and PAY YOU.

So your clients know the “rules of the game” up front.
So your clients get better results.
So you can avoid awkward, uncomfortable conversations later.
So you and your clients have ALL of the details in writing.

For the cost of ONE high-end client, you get a Client Agreement that you can use over and over again with future clients.

It’s the Client Agreement that keeps on giving!
(See, I told you that Client Agreements are GIFTS, didn’t I?)

what’s included?

The DIY Client Agreement Package includes:

  • Client Agreement Template for you to download and complete.

Heart BulletThorough but simple to personalize for your business and use with your next client!

Heart BulletIn plain English so it’s easy to understand.

Heart BulletCreated with deep care and Legal Love™.

  • Audio Guide – to walk you through the template. You fill in the blanks and it’s ready to use! In just 1 hour, you will learn:

Heart Bullet What it says and where to customize it

Heart Bullet How it protects you

Heart Bullet When to use it

This DIY package is designed to give you a legal template that you can customize on your own and use immediately on your site. Know that it won’t create an attorney-client relationship between us and it is not personalized legal advice, but it’s an easy way to get your Client Agreement in place quickly… with lots of Legal Love™!

can I really do it myself?

Yes, you can! Every DIY legal template is written in plain English and can be completed in 60 minutes or less.

Listen to the audio guide and follow along as I read the document aloud, and you’ll easily see where to fill in the blanks for your business.

the DIY investment?

 one payment of $397

four payments of $107

Important Note:
Please note that these documents are legal templates to complete and personalize yourself. They do not create an attorney-client relationship and are not to be construed as legal advice. Always have a local attorney review any legal document that you use in your business to be sure they comply with your state and local laws. Lisa is licensed as an attorney in the State of Ohio.

“Lisa, I can’t express enough how helpful having all of those legal documents has been to me over the years.”

From having solid Website Terms and Conditions in place for when several people tried to swipe copy from my site, to being able to share a solid Client Agreement and refund policy with clients, my business as a child sleep consultant has not only grown, but has also remained protected.

As an instructor to new sleep consultants, I am always encouraging my students to invest in the legal end of their business right away so that they can help their clients confidently. Thank you so much!

Lori Strong

Certified Child Sleep Consultant

“A solid 1:1 customer agreement is the #1 thing you need to level up and Lisa is the only person I trust to use DIY agreements for my business.”

For a long time in my own business, I would always ask my clients to provide ME with THEIR contracts. It felt easier than me providing a contract of my own. It felt scary to deal with the legality of it all, so instead, I let them take charge, instead of “owning my authority.”

But, here’s the truth: Business contracts are the first step in a long series of deliberate steps for you to stay close to your customer AND be in charge of your business’s inner workings. A solid 1:1 Client Agreement creates a container for the growth and nimble mobility you seek as you desire to move from incremental growth to EXPONENTIAL growth.

Plus, when you work with Lisa and her team they’re always ready and willing to answer any questions you might have. It’s top-level service from start to finish — highly recommend!

Licia Morelli

Sales Expert and Copywriter

“I chose Lisa’s services because she is a coach AND lawyer and her site offered DIY legal templates that are designed for coaches and entrepreneurs rather than some random template out there online.”

I was completely sold when I read about chakras on her site (I love everything woo and intellectual at the same time). Lisa’s DIY Client Agreement template gave me the confidence, ease of mind, and was available right away even before I could hop on a call with her.

Jo Huang, CPCC

Career & Money Breakthrough Specialist

“As I first stepped into the entrepreneurial space, I discovered the peace, freedom, and empowerment that came by way of covering myself and my business with the Client Agreement.”

I am so unbelievably grateful for Lisa and the DIY legal templates! It meant so much to me to have this document that it actually nudged me to serve people in new, uplifting and creative way – and that is such a blessing to everyone, most especially my new client!

Thank you so much, Lisa, for being a warm, guiding light through the legal stuff. Not only do I feel so much more safe and secure in my business because of your documents, but you actually inspired me to energetically open brand-new avenues in my services!

Jillian Bolanz

Life Coach & Online Wellpreneur

“I love having a Client Agreement that was all beautifully done for me – quickly, professionally, and effortlessly!”

Lisa helped me with my unique business needs and created a clear and approachable client agreement that set the boundaries for my coach and client relationship and clearly spelled out my business policies.

Jennifer Urbina

Natural Therapeutic Specialist

“Wow, Lisa’s DIY Client Agreement saved my butt when a new client’s accountant wanted to change the way my invoices were paid.”

All I had to do was reference the Client Agreement and it was clearly defined what we had agreed to. Now I am getting paid on time.

Travis Brown

Virtual Podcast Assistant,

“Having a Client Agreement in place is comforting – and not restrictive at all.”

I realized that I can give, give, give as a Coach and still really protect myself without feeling restricted. It really grounds me to do big work and I feel able to explore more creatively free now that I have my Client Agreement in place. It was a beautiful process working with Lisa.

Sara Ballard

Business and Life Doula and Transformational Guide

“It’s amazing the confidence and peace that comes from having one of Lisa’s agreements.”

For several years I used a generic client agreement I found online for all my web design projects. While it was nice to have something signed, I always worried that this “freebie” would come around to bite me. I’m so glad I invested in one of Lisa’s agreements. The audio was super helpful and took all the anxiety out of the process.

Christine McDermitt

Owner/Designer, Great Oak Circle

“Lisa has taken a huge weight off my shoulders as a business owner.”

It feels so good to have my legal language and agreement ready to go for my VIP Done in a Day marketing services to strategically get therapists, coaches, and wellness-focused entrepreneurs visible online in a day.

This is so perfect. I feel like I’m now conducting business from a rock-solid fortress. Thank you, Lisa!

Heather Clayton

CEO & Founder of Views Advantage LLC

“I feel so much more secure now.”

I wasn’t taught the legal parts of business in my training program and so it was hard to know what to do to stay safe. I had no clue if I was doing things correctly. Now I know that my Client Agreement wasn’t what it should be. I feel so much better knowing I have the right Client Agreement for my one-on-one clients now. Thank you, Lisa!

Natalie Leventis

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach

have questions?

Purchase a 30-Minute Power Hour with Lisa
to ask questions about the template
after you’ve completed it.
(Note that this does not include a legal review
of your document.)

want it done for you?

Don’t have time?
Apply here
to see if Lisa can help you
or can refer you to another attorney.