The courage to ask for help
Courage is like a muscle. It needs to be flexed.
When I started writing Easy Legal Steps, I was definitely NOT feeling courageous. #scaredycat
I had to hire a book coach, Anjanette Fennell, who I met with by Zoom every other week to hold my hand as I stepped up to be brave enough to share my unique approach to the law.
Writing blog posts and talking with clients about how I align legal steps with the chakras didn’t feel scary to me. Even talking about the chakras and adding color to legal documents in my “get legally covered so you can go bare now” self-study course and my DIY templates actually felt fun, not scary.
But putting my thoughts in a permanent, printed book that anyone could purchase at any time from and – well, THAT was terrifying.
Whether you’re an author – or a business owner – courage is non-negotiable.
Because courage is so important to me, I wrote about it extensively in the book.
Here’s a snippet from about courage Chapter 4 of Easy Legal Steps:
“Flexing your courage muscle is a lot like working out. In fact, it’s a lot like trying to do crow pose in yoga class for the first time. Learning how to balance on your hands while propping your bent knees on top of your elbows can feel intimidating and tricky, especially in front of a class full of yoga students who’ve been doing it for years.
Courage mastery is gained through incremental steps.
To master your crow pose, you start with bringing up one knee onto an elbow and shifting your weight forward. You’ll probably wobble a bit, then add the second knee, learn to balance and the next thing you know you’re in full-fledged crow pose.
Even if you’re not so good at it at first, it’s okay. What’s important is to try. Get out of your comfort zone.
Just like crow pose, your effort may look messy, lopsided, and uncomfortable, and you may feel like you’re going to topple forward onto your face at any time, but when you keep taking small steps to improve, you’ll get more courageous with every attempt and you’ll get better and better each time.
Your courage is there waiting for you to flex it.
You’ve drawn on it countless times throughout your life, and it’s waiting for you to draw on it whenever you want.”
It helps me to remember that we all have courage inside of us right now, in this very moment, that we can resource and access.
In fact, I also had to draw on my courage when I reached out to ask wonderful colleagues and friends to be endorsers of my book.
So I buckled down, got vulnerable, and asked for help. And holy cannoli was it worth it!
I have had the honor of receiving endorsements from so many AMAZING authors, clients, friends and colleagues, and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.
My heartfelt THANK YOU to each of you for your kind words about the book that are now on my website, Amazon and/or Bookbaby:
- Amber Lilyestrom, Branding Strategist + Business Coach ⦁ Founder of The Soul Fueled CEO™ Academy
- Calvin Correli, CEO of Powerful Through Grace, Inc. & Founder of Simplero
- Caroline Aslanian, holistic nutrition expert, speaker, and Best Selling Author of Fifty Shades of Grain: The Naked Truth About Eating Bread and Feeling Great
- Carrie Montgomery, Personal Brand Stylist & Brand Coach
- Cathy Sykora, CEO of The Health Coach Group
- Dr. Christiane Northrup, Leading Women’s Health Expert & 3-Time NYT Best Seller of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-being.
- Heather Alice Shea, Intuitive Development Coach & Business Mentor for Soulful Seekers Healers and Coaches
- Jessica Drummond, MPT, CCN, CHC, Founder & CEO, The Integrative Women’s Health Institute
- Kari Samuels, Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
- Kate Northrup, Best Selling Author of Money: A Love Story
- Keri Nola, Licensed Psychotherapist & Best Selling Author of A Year on Your Path To Growth: Daily Inspirations to Reconnect With Your Soul
- Laura Thompson Brady Ph.D. & Founder of The Nourished Home
- Licia Morelli, Writer & Award-Winning Author of The Lemonade Hurricane: A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation
- Maria Saracen, Business Coach, Emmy-Nominated Journalist & TV Producer for PBS
- Melissa Pharr, Business & Wealth Creation Coach
- Mike Iamele, Author of Enough Already: Create Success on Your Own Terms
- Robin Arutt, Founder, Full Potential Living® & HappyHealthyThyroid™
In asking for endorsements, I chose to be courageous.
I reminded myself that I was coming from a place of service and deeply wanting to make a positive difference in other people’s lives.
And you can too.
Comment below to let me know how you’ve been courageous recently. I’d love to hear your story!
Just 10 more days to order Easy Legal Steps to get some amazing bonuses by April 30th (not to mention over $1,300 worth of free bonuses inside the book!)