Curious about creating a certification program for mentees?

by | Oct 18, 2021 | DIY Legal Templates

Thinking about training mentees to use your methodology in their work?

Heard people say they’re “creating a certification program” and wondering if you can do that too?

What IS a “certification program” anyway?

A certification program is a course offering a certificate of completion which provides benefits once students have completed the certification requirements.

When coaches, practitioners or online biz owners say they’re creating a “certification program”, it typically means a training program to teach mentees how to use the coach’s unique methodology with the mentees’ own clients.

(REALLY IMPORTANT NOTE – We’re NOT talking about creating a certification program which requires approval by the state board of education, for example, like training people to become ‘certified nutritionists’ under state law. That’s a totally different kind of certification, and requirements vary from state to state.)

If you’ve developed a unique body of work – a methodology, a way of looking at the world, a way of teaching something in a unique way – you may want to uplevel by offering a certification program. (It often can be a high-end offer too!)

You absolutely want to use a written signed agreement for your certification program. Hands down.

A Certification Agreement is basically a licensing agreement between you and your mentee.

It allows them to earn a certificate in your work and receive certain benefits of certification having a special title (like “certified sleep coach” or “certified money mindset coach”), using a logo showing that they’re certified, and being permitted to use your methodology in their work.
It also spells out what they CAN’T do – like copy your work by creating a SIMILAR certification program or teaching your methodology to other people in a competitive way.

Legal Love™ Tip: Set the “rules of the game” for training your mentee in your methodology with a DIY Certification Agreement.



It’s the best way to make sure each of you is on the same page right from the outset. When you’re training mentees, you want to be sure that your mentees are highly aware of what exactly they need to do to become certified.

3 Reasons to use a Certification Agreement:

1. To set boundaries with your mentees about how to use YOUR body of work and intellectual property so they don’t take, copy or steal it and claim it as their own.

2. To be sure mentees meet your requirements for certification so they know how to use your methodology properly with their own clients.

3. To teach mentees how to represent your brand exactly as you wish, to protect both your and their reputations in the marketplace.

If you’re creating a certification program to train others in your methodology, use the DIY Certification Agreement here.

Not sure what should be included in your certification program or what benefits to offer mentees?

Not to worry. I get asked about that a lot, so the DIY Certification Agreement ALREADY includes examples for you, and the short audio guide walks you right through it so you don’t have to try to figure it out solo.

And because you know I’m also about energetics…

When you create clear expectations and boundaries for your mentees, you’re strengthening your OWN energetic boundaries and drawing lines that allow you to stand as a leader in your business.

The more you get clear about YOUR policies regarding how your methodology can be used by others, the more you draw others who value boundaries and you plug energy and money leaks as well.

Questions about creating a certification program? Just comment below. We’re happy to help.

Here’s to upleveling your biz and creating a certification program to teach your unique methodology to your mentees!

If you want to turn your course, book, or coaching system into a highly profitable certification program, then I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Lethia Owens.

Lethia has created the Certify Your Brilliance Virtual Summit that begins tomorrow, Oct. 19th. I’m honored to be one of the featured presenters and that is just one reason why I’m so excited about this summit and why I am inviting you to join us.

Just think: If you have a course, book or coaching program, you are sitting on a gold mine. Just imagine being able to reach thousands with your message and being able to 2X, 5X or even 10X your revenue by implementing a plan to create a profitable certification program.

Join us here (it’s free) to learn how leading experts have used certification programs to increase their reach and revenue.

P.P.S. In full disclosure (like a good lawyer!), I need to tell you that if Lethia invites you during or after the Summit to enroll in a program or course, I’ll earn a referral fee if you choose to sign up through my affiliate link. Know that I wouldn’t recommend Lethia or this Summit if I didn’t fully believe in her work.