Have a website or launching one soon?

Don’t leave your website legally naked!

Your FIRST STEP to protect yourself online is a

Website Disclaimer.

what is it?

A  Website Disclaimer  is your most basic level of website protection. The ground floor. The legal foundation.

It can feel scary wondering if someone is going to read something on your website and apply it to their life or business in the wrong way – and then come after you!

A Website Disclaimer gives you:

Heart BulletCourage – especially when you are just starting out or launching a new site and you feel totally exposed.

Heart BulletClarity – by letting people know your policies and exactly what you DO (and DON’T DO) as a coach or entrepreneur.

Heart BulletSafety, security, and groundedness – that are associated with the root chakra.

why do you need it?

So people don’t get confused about what you do and come after you. It’s as simple as that.

Your Website Disclaimer gives you detailed, thorough language that disclaims your liability.

More importantly, it tells visitors that you give helpful tools and tips on and through your website, but they need to use their own judgment before applying anything to their own life or business.

It also gives clear disclaimers prepared by someone who “gets” coaches and entrepreneurs (rather than random cut-and-paste legal language that you found on the internet that could leave huge holes in your protection.)

what’s included?

Your Website Disclaimer  includes:

  • Disclaimer Template – for you to download and complete

Heart Bullet Thorough – but simple to personalize for your business

Heart Bullet In plain English so it’s easy to understand

Heart Bullet Created with deep care and Legal Love™

  • Audio Guide – to walk you through the template. You fill in the blanks and it’s ready to use! In just 1 hour, you will learn:

Heart Bullet What it says and where to customize it

Heart Bullet How it protects you

Heart Bullet When to use it

Heart Bullet Where to fill in the details

Heart Bullet How to put it on your website

This DIY package is designed to give you a legal template that you can customize on your own and use immediately on your site. Know that it won’t create an attorney-client relationship between us and it is not personalized legal advice, but it’s an easy way to get your Website Disclaimer in place quickly… with lots of Legal Love™!

can I really do it myself?

Yes, you can! Every DIY legal template is written in plain English and can be completed in 60 minutes or less.

Listen to the audio guide and follow along as I read the document aloud, and you’ll easily see where to fill in the blanks for your business.

the DIY investment?

 one payment of $397

four payments of $107

Important Note:
Please note that these documents are legal templates to complete and personalize yourself. They do not create an attorney-client relationship and are not to be construed as legal advice. Always have a local attorney review any legal document that you use in your business to be sure they comply with your state and local laws. Lisa is licensed as an attorney in the State of Ohio.

“I tried cutting and pasting other Disclaimers, but I knew I needed someone to do it right for me!”

It feels amazing to have my new disclaimer in place. It is absolute perfection and I have peace of mind now.

Solnishka Schuetter

Wellness Leader

“Working with Lisa on my Disclaimer was such a different experience than I expected from a lawyer – because she is a coach too.”

I felt so taken care of, especially because I know Lisa understands what I do as a Health Coach. Lisa is truly an artist at what she does.

Tara Rosas

Holistic Health Coach

“Once Lisa prepared my Disclaimer in detail, I was shocked to see how much I could be putting myself at risk without it.”

At first I wondered, ‘do I really need all this?’ Lisa’s Disclaimer covers everything and gives me peace of mind. Now, I can move forward and focus on my business without worry.

Stephanie Fry

Green Pregnancy Expert & Environmental Toxins Specialist

have questions?

Purchase a 30-Minute Power Hour with Lisa
to ask questions about the template
after you’ve completed it.
(Note that this does not include a legal review
of your document.)

want it done for you?

Don’t have time?
Apply here
to see if Lisa can help you
or can refer you to another attorney.