Lots of juicy content on your website?

You don’t want anyone swiping your stuff!

Protect your heartfelt brand & your website content.

what are website terms & conditions?

Website Terms and Conditions is the legal language on your website that tells your website visitors the rules about using your site.

Your website is the heart and soul of your brand, so this is the language that protects your WEBSITE CONTENT – including blog posts, sales pages, about page, work-with-me page, and even your opt-in gift – everything that you post on your site!

Your Website Terms & Conditions let people know what they CAN – and CAN’T – do with your content on your site.

So they know what legally happens if they copy or swipe anything without your permission.

Most spiritual entrepreneurs are truly open and generous and want to freely share your work in service with the world. But, YOU should be the one who gets to decide how your heartfelt work is used. It’s NOT cool if someone takes your website copy and claims it as their own without your permission. (It’s also considered theft.)

You can keep your heart open AND retain your ownership rights to the work you have poured hours of love, sweat and tears into creating. It can be an “AND”.

Your Website Terms & Conditions is a very thorough document that fiercely protects your intellectual property and website content like a Mama Lion protects her baby cubs.

It protects you in PRACTICAL ways, AND also SPIRITUALLY strengthens your boundaries because YOU get clear about where you draw your lines in honoring your creative work which supports your heart chakra.

why do you need it?

So others know that they can’t copy, use, steal or make money from your website. In any way. Ever. (Unless you give them permission, of course.)

So you protect your unique content.

So you draw clear lines about your intellectual property rights.

So you have written policies to turn to if someone does copy your work.

So you create a stronger energetic container for your work.

what’s included?

The DIY Website Terms and Conditions Package includes:

  • Website Terms & Conditions Template – for you to download and complete

Heart Bullet Thorough – but simple to personalize for your business

Heart Bullet In plain English so it’s easy to understand

Heart Bullet Created with deep care and Legal Love™

  • Audio Guide – to walk you through the template. You fill in the blanks and it’s ready to use! In just 1 hour, you will learn:

Heart Bullet What it says and where to customize it

Heart Bullet How it protects you

Heart Bullet When to use it

Heart BulletWhere to fill in the details and put it on your website

This DIY package is designed to give you a legal template that you can customize on your own and use immediately on your site. Know that it won’t create an attorney-client relationship between us and it is not personalized legal advice, but it’s an easy way to get your Website Terms & Conditions in place quickly… with lots of Legal Love™!

can I really do it myself?

Yes, you can! Every DIY legal template is written in plain English and can be completed in 60 minutes or less.

Listen to the audio guide and follow along as I read the document aloud, and you’ll easily see where to fill in the blanks for your business.

the DIY investment?

 one payment of $397

four payments of $107

Important Note:
Please note that these documents are legal templates to complete and personalize yourself. They do not create an attorney-client relationship and are not to be construed as legal advice. Always have a local attorney review any legal document that you use in your business to be sure they comply with your state and local laws. Lisa is licensed as an attorney in the State of Ohio.

“Lisa, I can’t express enough how helpful having all of those legal documents has been to me over the years.”

From having solid Website Terms and Conditions in place for when several people tried to swipe copy from my site, to being able to share a solid Client Agreement and refund policy with clients, my business as a child sleep consultant has not only grown, but has also remained protected.

As an instructor to new sleep consultants, I am always encouraging my students to invest in the legal end of their business right away so that they can help their clients confidently. Thank you so much!

Lori Strong

Certified Child Sleep Consultant

Understanding the legal part really gives me comfort as a professional. Lisa makes it really clear.

I had received some generic Terms & Conditions through a vendor that came with services I had purchased, but they didn’t even tell me what to do with them or what they meant. Working with Lisa, I now realize why they are so important to my online program and services.

Susan Schenk, MSOT

Occupational Therapist and Founder of Technology & Tools

“Lisa understands the virtual business model.”

I had started to approach a traditional lawyer to create terms & conditions for all of my programs, but that lawyer didn’t really understand the nature of my business or online business in general.

I knew Lisa would because she’s also a certified Health Coach, and because she understands the virtual business model. The work was complex and specific – and we got it done super-fast so my intellectual property and business would be protected before my next launch.

Laura Adler

Environmental Toxins Expert & Certified Holistic Health Coach

have questions?

Add on a Private Legal Chat with Lisa
to ask questions about the template.
(Note: This is not for document review.)

want it done for you?

Don’t have time? Apply here
to see if Lisa can help you
or can refer you to another attorney.