Do I really need disclaimers if I’m just starting out?

by | Jan 28, 2021 | Website Disclaimer

“Lisa, I’m just starting my coaching biz. Do I really need disclaimers?”

I get this question all.the.time. And I have to say, “Yes! You do!”

Here’s why:

Your social media tells the world who you are. Your website is the heart and soul of your brand. Together, they’re your storefront.

If you’re a coach, holistic practitioner or online entrepreneur, it’s important to disclaim your liability… especially on your website and on social media.

You don’t want people to think you are diagnosing, healing or treating them through something written on your website or social media.

You don’t want them to think you’re giving medical or psychological advice on your website or in a social media post.

You want to make it clear to every website or social media visitor to use care and judgment when applying the info you share to their life or business.

For example, if a visitor reads your blog post on the benefits of Vitamin D during the winter months, you don’t want them to just start taking it without talking with their doctor first.

“But, how do I say that, Lisa?”

You use a legal disclaimer on your website and social media.

Legal disclaimers empower you to draw lines around your liability. Even more importantly, they empower your readers to take responsibility for their own health.

Because I’m full of Legal Love™, I would never want you to write these disclaimers on your own and leave holes the size of Swiss cheese!

I’ve put together legal disclaimers for your website and social media in my new Legal Love™ Mini Course here.



The Mini Course begins this Monday, Feb 1! (The clock is ticking!!)

Sign up here to receive (1) my DIY Mini-Disclaimer and DIY Website Disclaimer AND (2) Weekly “Done-With-You” Workshops to help you carve out time in your busy calendar to actually fill in the blanks and get them DONE!

If your website or social media is naked without disclaimers, this is a good time to protect yourself by getting these legal docs in place.

Don’t wait until you get into a legal pickle and then need help. Be proactive and get ‘em done!

I can’t wait to see you in this brand new 2-week Mini Course! 

And BTW, the lawyer down the street or your family attorney may be an excellent attorney, but I’ve found that many lawyers aren’t familiar with coaches, holistic practitioners and heart-centered entrepreneurs – or opt-ins, online courses or Ontraport. I’m a health & life coach too – as well as a lawyer – so I get what you need to have robust legal language written in plain English. Join the Legal Love™ Mini Course here and get your disclaimers ready to go.