DIY Online Fitness Liability Waiver

if you’re a licensed medical practitioner or health coach
who wants 1-on-1 access to me
to ask questions about
functional medicine, labs, supplements,
or working across state lines,
this 90-minute power hour is for you.

what is the
functional medicine 90-minute power hour?

It’s a 90-minute paid consultation.

Just you and me…

It’s a jam-packed Q&A designed to help you maximize your time so you can gain clarity around these questions:

  • How can I include lab tests and supplements?
  • What type of insurance do I need?
  • How can I legally work with people across state lines?
  • How can I offer online health coaching without getting into trouble?
  • How can I legally work with people across state lines?
  • If I’m a licensed medical practitioner, how do I protect my license?
  • What kind of title am I allowed to use?
  • How should I organize my business structure?
  • How can I offer online courses to people everywhere?
  • When do I have to follow HIPAA?
  • and so much more.

It’s a 90-minute paid consultation.

Just you and me…

It’s a jam-packed Q&A designed to help you maximize your time so you can gain clarity around these questions:

Heart Bullet How can I include lab tests and supplements?

Heart Bullet What type of insurance do I need?

Heart Bullet How can I offer online health coaching without getting in trouble?

Heart Bullet How can I legally work with people across state lines?

Heart Bullet If I’m a licensed medical practitioner, how do I protect my license?

Heart Bullet What kind of title am I allowed to use?

Heart Bullet How should I organize my business structure?

Heart Bullet How can I offer online courses to people everywhere?

Heart Bullet When do I have to follow HIPAA?

Heart Bullet and so much more.

I educate you about what you can and can’t do, where the legal risks are, and how to reduce your risk of investigations or lawsuits.

My goal is always for you to move forward to reach more clients and operate an online practice… in a legally safe way.

NOTE: My full course if you’re a licensed medical practitioner: How to Legally Protect Your Practice and Reach More Clients: Legal Clarity Course for Doctors & Licensed Medical Practitioners is the best fast track into the legal info you need so you can easily reach and help more people, including legal documents for your clients &, group Q&A calls, additional Power Hours for your future questions, and more.

However, this Power Hour is for both licensed and non-licensed practitioners. If you want to get in and out in 90 minutes and don’t need the right templates or ongoing support, this is your best option.

why do you need it?

If you’ve been finding it challenging to get straight answers on all the questions above, you’ve come to the right place.

There is a lot of frustration and confusion around this topic, and for a good reason!

It might surprise you but getting legal clarity and protecting yourself is not as simple as getting answers to “a few legal questions”… It’s understanding a whole new way of doing business.

The Power Hour will help you save time, money and stress as you learn the legally safe and smart way to work with more people across the country – and even the world.

Because I DON’T want you to…

– put yourself (or your income!) in jeopardy.

– make a risky mistake and wing it or “guess” if you’re doing it right.

– jeopardize your license or get investigated because you’re doing labs or offering supplements illegally.

– use the wrong title and get in trouble.

– violate nutrition laws.

– be accused of practicing medicine without a license

You don’t want to do any of that. This Power Hour will help you avoid risky behavior and ease your mind.

why am I the right lawyer for you?

I uniquely understand the legal issues and risks you’re facing.

You want more flexibility in HOW and WHERE you work and WHO you work with…but you want to do it the RIGHT way.

I’m one of very few lawyers in the country who is a former health care lawyer in a large corporate law firm working with hospitals and medical practitioners…AND I’m a health coach and life coach trained through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and CoachU.

For the past 10 years I’ve worked with health coaches and licensed medical practitioners in the online space. (Yes! 10 years! I’m an online dinosaur!)

I’ve worked with (literally) hundreds of practitioners – just like you – who have gotten the clarity they need through a Power Hour.

They walk away with clarity knowing how to expand their work with a sigh of relief that they know how to do things properly and in a legally sound way.

Now you can too.

what’s included?

The Functional Medicine 90-Minute Power Hour includes:


  • Prep sheet to share your background and questions for us both to prepare best for the Power Hour.
  • 90-minute 1-on-1 session with Lisa by phone.
  • The ability to exhale, knowing that you have finally come to the right place to get your questions answered.

The Functional Medicine 90-Minute Power Hour includes:


  • Prep sheet to share your background and questions for us both to prepare best for the Power Hour.
  • 90-minute 1-on-1 session with Lisa by phone.
  • The ability to exhale, knowing that you have finally come to the right place to get your questions answered.

the investment?

Clients have told us that other lawyers have quoted them $12,000 and up – just to research this topic!

Other lawyers don’t know this area of the law. State boards and agencies often can’t give you the answer.

I’m a former health care lawyer and health coach myself who’s helped hundreds of practitioners just like you
– and now I’m here to offer clarity to you.


 one payment of $997

three payments of $337

“What stood out was Lisa’s depth of guidance and industry-specific insights. No one had ever told me what Lisa told me.”

Investing in a Functional Medicine Power Hour was one of the best decisions I’ve made since I became a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

Lisa shed light on the nuances of my work specific tailored to my advanced training, and also simplified the process of working with clients virtually within my state and beyond. Lisa shared information that I had never heard that felt invaluable to me.She filled in the gaps, connecting dots I didn’t even know were missing. I wholeheartedly encourage holistic nutrition professionals to invest in a Functional Medicine Power Hour. It’s not just an investment; it’s a profound gift to yourself and your practice.

Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

Sadie Catania

Nutrition Therapy Practitioner

“Having a solid legal foundation with the right documents lets me build my business with confidence, eliminates anxiety and allows me to focus on supporting my clients.”

It is difficult to bring your best self to your clients if you’re concerned that you’re not legally covered. Just like building the foundation of trust and rapport with clients, building your legal foundation is essential to optimal functioning, personally and professionally.

I’m just so grateful for you, Lisa. You really understand our industry. I don’t know what I would do without you!

Gina Lockwood-Sheehan

Functional Medicine and National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach & Founder of Forte Wellness Coaching, LLC

“Because of you, I feel I have a ‘for-real practice,’ know that all the ‘checks and musts’ of a business are checked off, and I can focus on my genius serving my VIP clients deeply and fully.”

I’ve gotten to know Lisa’s work through listening to ALL her interviews with Sandi Scheinbaum in my Functional Medicine Coaching Academy curriculum, twice over!

I love that I’m ‘legally covered’ and proceed with confidence. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart — Know that I share you with all my colleagues and business friends!

Alexis Logan

JiJi Noble

Functional Medicine VIP Health Coach

“Being legally informed was the platform I needed to allow myself to take the next step.”

I dragged my feet for five years after becoming a Holistic Health Coach to start-up my own business. I knew I had some difficult state laws to overcome and felt very stuck.

Lisa is truly a gift. After a one-hour phone call, my life changed. A world of opportunities opened up and my mind was buzzing with business ideas. Just a few months after that call, I got equipped with all my necessary legal documents and doors were open for business!

Alexis Logan

Jennifer Harte

Nutrition Consultant

“I’d recommend Lisa to other physicians out there without any hesitation whatsoever!”

Lisa takes the time to step-by-step walk you through what the legal language actually means and the importance of it.

She also makes herself very available to answering questions, which attests to the fact that she’s out to serve and serve well. Lisa goes above and beyond in delivering the services she provides.

Alexis Logan

Rachna Patel, DO

The Medical Marijuana Doctor

“I feel so much calmer now and completely clear on what to do next.”

While I already had some of the pieces in place for my new business, I now have so much peace of mind about steps I’ve already taken and my next steps. As a physician-turned-coach, I was not sure exactly what to do to protect myself while serving my clients.

I had spoken with another attorney who did not have prior experience with doctors-turned-coaches and so the recommendations were not helpful.

Working with Lisa in a 1-Hour Power Hour, we developed the best plan for my LLC (including a recent move across state lines), clearly defined my scope of practice, clarified appropriate “safe” language for my media and marketing, talked about my Client Agreement, and made a step-by-step plan for the future.

Jennifer S Singh, MD, dipABLM

Life and Weight Loss Coach

Thinking of hosting an online course or program? Talk to Lisa first!”

As we launched our program for health professionals, we were so fortunate to find Lisa Fraley. We loved that she immediately understood our unique mission and that she offered us turnkey ways to safeguard our brand. She embodies all the wonderful, warm, caring qualities of a health coach with the wisdom and experience of a trained lawyer.

Dr. Barbara Bolen and Kathleen Bradley


“Lisa’s guidance and support are invaluable to me as I navigate forward in this health coaching world.”

I gained so much clarity and confidence in the legal aspects of my business through Lisa’s legal course and our conversations. She is a wealth of knowledge and support.

Lisa is simply remarkable and working with her keeps me on a clear path.

Carla Hightower, M.D., M.B.A.

Certified Integrative Health Coach

“I feel like I hit the trifecta with your legal expertise, business insight, and health coaching support!”

I truly appreciate Lisa’s knowledge, expertise and insight…it is soooo very helpful.

Liz Schick MS, PT, LMP, ATC, CSCS, HLC

Physical Therapist, Hand Therapist, Athletic Trainer, Health Coach

“I was tempted to go with the free legal information available online, but am SO I glad I didn’t.”

The personal involvement, care, explanation and follow through Lisa provides gave me a level of assurance that I never could have gotten otherwise.

Robin Arutt, M.Ed., HC

Founder, Full Potential Living® & HappyHealthyThyroid™

As a Nurse Practitioner transitioning to Coaching, I am so thankful that I gave myself the gift of Lisa’s expertise!

Thank you, thank you! The legal parts are all very clear and now I am able to proceed. I presented my edited DIY Client Agreement to 2 different clients with such confidence, and I felt so good because we all know where we stand based on what’s written in the Agreement. It was SO NICE to have my expectations, price, cancellation/no show policy, and more all written out. THANK you for creating these templates, the Legal Starter Kit, Functional Medicine Power Hour, and DIY Legal Master Class on “How Not to Make Medical Claims”. I’m sure I’ll be purchasing more Master Classes soon. All of these legal steps have been such a game changer for me! I am so thankful for you and your team!

Lisa Hill, BS, MSN, ICP

Functional Wellness Coach, Hill Family Wellness

“Lisa is an absolute wealth of legal knowledge and delivers it in a beautiful, compassionate way.”

As both a nurse practitioner and certified health coach, I needed specific guidance to make sure I’m in alignment with all necessary legal guidelines in all the roles I play. Lisa not only helped to answer my questions, she did so in a way that helped me feel so very supported and cared for. My Functional Medicine Power Hour with Lisa felt like the warm hug I need as a business owner – I cannot recommend investing in it enough! You won’t regret it.

Carly Bayless, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, FNTP, CHP

Co-Founder of the School of Christian Health and Nutrition