[FREE WEBINAR SERIES] It’s like a green smoothie for your business….
The health coach in me wants to drink kale smoothies to get my vitamins, avoid processed foods that zap my energy, and work out with my trainer to reduce stress.
(For a Christmas gift, my hubby surprised me by hiring a personal trainer to come to my house on Monday and Wednesday mornings for an hour-long workout in my home gym. #sweethusband #soremuscles #somedaysIwanttokillthetrainer)
I know that when I eat healthy foods and exercise, my body is happy. I don’t get sick. I don’t feel as stressed out. I have people tell me I look 10 years younger than I am!
That’s why my mama always said “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
The same is true for law. When you set yourself up with a legally healthy business, you don’t need catastrophic legal care later. #smartidea
Have you ever been in a PANIC when someone has:
- Asked you for a refund – AFTER your one-on-one program is halfway done?
- Wanted their money back 7 days into your online program – that they’ve been fully accessing since Day 1?
- Copied your sales page – word for word?
- Named their business something eerily close to yours – and yours is trademarked?
Talk about emotional and stressful situations! (See why I call them Legal Pickles™?)
I NEVER want these situations to happen to you – in the past, present or future!
Knowing what to say and do when you’re in a legal bind (and how to prevent problems in the first place) is like drinking a green smoothie for your business.
That’s why I’m so THRILLED to to invite you to join me for a live webinar series to help you turn sour situations into sweet success!
Easy Legal Steps to Avoid Legal Pickles™
In this webinar series, I’m going to share 3 common legal pitfalls relating to your INCOME, your course CONTENT and your CLIENTS so you don’t end up in a mess.
Sign up for the webinar series here.
Here are the Legal Pickles™ we’ll be covering in each webinar:
Webinar #1:
Clients Who Ask for Refunds & Don’t Pay You
Learn exactly what to do & say to get paid – so you can keep your income.
Thursday, March 9 @ 2 pm ET / 11am PT
Webinar #2
Copycats & Swipers Who Steal Your Course Content
Find out what to do & say when someone copies your stuff – and how to prevent it.
Tuesday, March 14 @ 2 pm ET / 11am PT
Webinar #3:
Saying the Wrong Things as a Health Coach or MLM Distributor
Learn the 5 areas you can’t discuss – so you can stay out of trouble.
Thursday, March 16 @ 2 pm ET / 11am PT
I’m not offering a new program or giving you a sales pitch on these webinars….NOPE! This is just my gift to you to celebrate the launch of my new website! #legallove
Reserve your seat in the webinar series here.
If you can’t attend live, don’t worry! These webinars will be recorded, so just sign up once and you’ll be sent the recordings for ALL 3 of them.
Here’s to learning easy legal steps to avoid Legal Pickles™! I can’t wait to see you on the webinars!
After you sign up for the webinars, take some time for yourself by peeking at my Self Care Love List here