Need to get clear on your contracts pronto? (Facebook Live and free webinar TODAY!)

by | Oct 3, 2017 | Blog

Your client wants a refund.

Your online course is launching and you’re a little worried you don’t have anything protecting your stuff. (Make that REALLY worried.)

Your new 1:1 program policies aren’t in writing and that feels scary.

You’re lacking in the legal department – and you know it – but you reaaaaally don’t want to deal with the “legal stuff” because it is

(a) overwhelming
(b) expensive
(c) confusing
(d) scary
(e) all of the above!

I know. The legal stuff is probably not at the top of your to do list. Not to mention, you have no idea WHAT to do!

Imagine how confident and strong you’d feel if you had…

  • A clear “no refund” policy so you don’t have to give refunds.
  • A way to protect your online course videos & pdfs from copycats.
  • A written agreement for your 1:1 clients so they can’t wiggle out of it.

You’re in luck. We have TWO special treats for you to help you know how to protect your income, keep your client happy, and reduce refund requests!

TODAY at 12pm ET – Join us on Facebook Live on Gena’s Facebook page here where we’ll give you our “Top 2 Tips to Have Contract Clarity”.



ALSO TODAY at 2pm ET – Catch Webinar #2 – “From Contract Catastrophe to Contract Clarity” to go deeper into what you need to know to protect your income.

(Hint: You can save money if you attend LIVE and you need a contract!).

Save your seat for the webinar here.



Smart biz owners have a clear, strong Client Contract in place.

Already know you need to get legally protected?

Gena and I created the Damsel goes bare™ LITE and FULL courses to make laying your legal groundwork easy to use, understand and implement.

Do you just want the basics and work at your own pace with a cup of tea curled up on your couch? Then you’ll love the self-study LITE course..

Or, do you want it ALL and you like the support of a lively live course, Q&A calls, and Facebook group to guide you? Then the FULL course is perfect for you!

But don’t listen to us!

Look at how incredibly empowered JoAnna Nangle felt after getting her legal documents in place through our Damsel goes bare™ legal course:



If you’re like JoAnna and have been wanting to “get legal”, NOW is the time to join us.

Here’s what you receive in the Damsel goes bare™ FULL course:

  • terms of use to protect your online program content
  • client agreement for your 1:1 services
  • terms & conditions and privacy policy for your website
  • business entities, trademarks and copyright lessons
  • disclaimer for your website

AND helpful bonuses like:

  • video lessons on hiring a team, copyrights & trademarks
  • testimonial release to use when gathering praise

You could hire a lawyer to do all of these things for you one-on-one and the estimated cost would be wayyyyyyyyy over $20,000!!! #nojoke That’s WITHOUT:

  • teaching you a THING to become self-sufficient
  • helping you understand what each legal document is and why you need it.
  • EMPOWERING you as as a business leader about the legal stuff so you can show up as the CEO of your biz and stand up for your work.

You can pay a small fortune for those documents OR you can have WAY more fun with Gena and me, save WAY more money, and get WAY more educated, and do it all with lots of sparkle and soul. (Easy choice, right?)



Don’t need everything right now? Not to worry – check out the LITE course instead, where you can get 4 key templates to protect your website and put your Client Contract in place right away.
