Happy Thanksgiving!

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Blog

Happy Thanksgiving!

My mom is coming from Maine and my brother-in-law Blair is coming from Boulder to be with us for Thanksgiving in Sedona this year. It’s my mom’s first trip to see us in Sedona and I’m excited for her to see why we love this special place. I hope you’ll be spending this holiday with people you love as well!

It’s a busy week for all of us, so this is a super-short note of gratitude to say…

🙏 I’m grateful for you.

I so appreciate you and the work you’re doing in the world. 🌍

You’re helping people change their lives, their businesses, their financial situation, and create a positive ripple effect in the world (which can use all of the positivity it can get right now!) 😍

I’m celebrating you and cheering you on.📣 (I WAS a high school cheerleader after all!)

I’m giving thanks for you from the bottom of my heart. 🥰

If you’re in the US celebrating Thanksgiving, running your Turkey Trot, baking a healthy version (or NOT healthy version!) of apple pie, or enjoying time with family or friends, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving this week!

And, if you’re outside of the US or overseas right now, I’m equally as grateful for you… today and always.



I appreciate you and I’m sending so much love and gratitude for you today! xoxo