I hope you have been getting a lot of juicy nuggets from Marie Forleo’s free video series. (You can still watch video #1 and video #2 if you missed them earlier! Just get them HERE.)

And don’t forget to join me and my legal wonder twin (and fellow B-Schooler!) Gena Shingle Jaffe TOMORROW for a Facebook Live. We’ll share how we work together as biz partners and exactly how B-School brought us together to collaborate (instead of compete).

Join us for a Facebook Live TOMORROW at 1 pm ET right here.

Every year since 2013, I watch Marie’s videos and take B-School. They help me step back each year and look at my website, marketing, e-newsletters, list-building efforts, and ideal customers with fresh, new eyes.

It’s amazing how much can change from year to year because I’m at a different place with my business. Every year there are new updates about websites and social media and list building that I need to learn. Every year, she has new guest experts and coaches to support B-School students.

And each year, as I evolve and re-do the course, I am viewing it through a different lens – the lens of where I am now, compared to where I’ve been in the past.

Every year I get insight and info that I apply in my business to go to the next level. B-School is one of the best investments I have ever made to grow and support my biz.

But before we jump to being able to sign up for B-School (doors will be opening soon!), check out Marie’s final video #3.

In this video, Marie gives a deeper look behind the scenes as to her incredible success.

Check out video #3 here.

I don’t know about you, but I love peeking behind the scenes and watching other coaches like Marie “go bare”.

Not THAT kind of “go bare”, of course!  I mean watching them “go bare” by peeling back the curtain to reveal the inner workings of their business.

And, even though I always feel a little vulnerable “going bare” myself, I wanted to share two big parts of my own business from behind my own curtain:

#1 – I have been honored to be a Legal Guest Expert on HUNDREDS of podcasts, webinars, bonus calls, radio shows, and even a paid speaker for other coaches and entrepreneurs. I love it.

I gave 113 talks in 2017. (Seriously. Told ya I love it.)

The vast majority of lawyers sit safely behind a desk staying FAR from the spotlight. They CERTAINLY don’t show up in photos on their website, create colorful legal documents, or (gasp!) talk about spirituality and chakras!

Marie inspired me that if she could show up in “Marie TV” and the B-School videos and just TEACH and SHINE, maybe I could do it too. This was HUGE for me..

#2 – I’ve published a book that combines law and the chakras and it became a #1 best-seller in 3 legal categories on Amazon. (I know – I can’t believe it either.)

I wrote Easy Legal Steps…That Are Also Good For Your Soul about which legal steps to take as you grow your business so you can protect your biz and your brand – in a soulful way.

I am so grateful to Marie and to B-School for giving me the tools and the building blocks to be courageous to show up and write a book that is in full alignment with my values. I am forever grateful.

Take a sec to watch Marie’s final video to get a sneak peek behind the scenes of her 8-figure success story that is B-School.

Watch it HERE.

Here’s to peeking behind the scenes of Marie and my businesses as we “go bare”.

See you tomorrow for a Facebook Live with Gena and me!

I fully believe in the power of these videos and B-School given my personal experience with the B-School course, community and experience, and in full disclosure (like a good lawyer!), I need to tell you that I’ll earn a referral fee if you sign up for B-School through me, but you should know that this course is AMAZING and I wouldn’t promote it unless I fully believed in it. Promise.