How to be safe when sharing your favorite healing process

by | Apr 6, 2020 | DIY Legal Master Classes

Hope you are hanging in there with these ongoing social distancing guidelines and “shelter at home” orders. It’s hard for all of us to be cooped up indoors…

I’m curious… Are you implementing any new self-care practices to love yourself up during this pandemic? 

Maybe a nice hot bath every night with your favorite essential oil blend to calm and reset your nervous system?

Maybe concocting new & tasty green smoothie recipes with what’s leftover in your fridge or freezer?

Maybe finding a new hiking trail or path through your neighborhood to get much-needed fresh air?

Or maybe making a turmeric & coconut milk “tea” at night to help you get more zzzz’s?

As health coaches and holistic practitioners, if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that we’re stellar at knowing how to support our bodies with healthy food and daily practices. (Which are needed now more than ever!)

Often, when we’ve experienced a healing process that works for us, we can be passionate about sharing the benefits of programs or products we love, like 

  • an essential oil
  • a supplement
  • a protocol
  • an herbal tincture
  • a particular way of eating (like the Keto Diet or Veganism or Intermittent Fasting or Bulletproof Coffee)
  • the use of energy clearings
  • infra-red saunas 

We know how powerfully these things work for us, so we want to post everywhere from our laptops to try to help other people too.

As you do that, here’s a little Legal Love tip: 

Remember that it’s fine to share the BENEFITS of these types of healing programs, products and services. But sometimes the line can get crossed into making “medical claims” or saying that your program or product will heal or cure a medical illness…which is what you want to clearly AVOID doing.

So what should you do instead? 

How can you talk about your own experience without crossing the line into making medical claims?

That’s exactly what I cover in a new DIY Legal Master Class that I created just for you.



This Master Class makes it easy for you to cover your legal buns – even while in your jammies. It’s accessible online anytime 24/7 so you can learn:

  • what to say (and what NOT to say) about what you do or your favorite healing process, essential oils or tips for healthy eating
  • what to do (and what NOT to do) when you’re describing your services on your website’s About page or Services page
  • what to call yourself as your title (and what NOT to call yourself)…and more!

It’s quick and to the point (less than 1 hour) and FULL of EXAMPLES to help you know what you can and can’t say.

You also receive a Tip Sheet to use as a resource going forward to help you remember what you learned so you can stay away from having anyone think that you’re practicing medicine without a license.

This class on “How Not To Make Medical Claims” is ironically relevant now with the Coronavirus crisis – but it is a very relevant topic for health coaches and holistic practitioners to use anytime. It’s evergreen so it can help you now AND going forward to know what to say so you don’t inadvertently make medical or disease claims.

Check out the new Legal Master Class here so you don’t say something wrong… (when you’re really just trying to help people live healthy and happy lives).

Here’s to sharing your fave products and programs with everyone – but in a way that keeps you safe!