How to legally use images on social media

by | Jun 4, 2018 | Podcasts

Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or Snapchat, I get asked all the time: “I want to post someone else’s quote or image on my social media page. I see other people do it all the time. Are they legally allowed to do that? Can I do that too?”

In this week’s Legally Enlightened Podcast Episode we’re going to answer a question I get asked a lot – “How can I post a fun quote or beautiful image on my social media page that someone ELSE created?”

Listen to podcast Episode 16 on iTunes here to learn more on how to legally use images on social media. (Don’t have iTunes? Listen through my website here.)


how to legally use images on social media


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What are copyright rights?
  • The 3 areas that cause “copyright snafus” – so you can avoid them
  • The 2 things you need to do to stay legal when using others’ images
  • The best and safest way to use someone else’s image on social media
  • How to get permission to use an image
  • How to find beautiful stock photos that are perfect for YOUR business

Be sure to grab your Tip Sheet HERE that includes my “Top 11 Free and Paid Stock Photo Websites.”

Here’s to covering your legal buns on social media when it comes to images!