How to stay safe when using AI

by | Jun 16, 2023 | DIY Legal Master Classes


I was in New York City recently, meeting with my coaches Chris Winfield & Jen Gottlieb of Super Connector Media for a VIP Day and we talked a lot about AI. (Chris is really knowledgeable about AI and they both were amazing!)



So I’ve been talking with you about AI all week. Why?

AI fascinates me because it’s a new tool for helping you be more efficient as a business owner.

AI intrigues me because of all of the ethical issues it raises about how far we should take it as a society and what we should (and shouldn’t!) allow it to do.

AI challenges me because there are so many legal issues that people need to know about.

The past few weeks, and even more during that VIP Day in New York City, I felt a tug in my heart and a whisper in my ear that I need to be the lawyer to step up and teach you. #truth

So I’ve been learning as much as I can so that I can help YOU protect yourself and others as you use AI.

It’s a fact… AI is here – and it’s going to expand even more in the years to come. The sooner you know about it, the sooner you know how to stay safe.

Whether you’re already using AI (or you haven’t yet!), NOW is a good time to start learning about it on the legal front.

Sooo, my friend…

What do you need to know when diving into AI?

What legal issues rise when you’re writing your social media posts, sales pages or book content when using AI?

I invite you to find out in a  LIVE Legal Master Class for you called “What do I need to know when using AI in my business?” on Wednesday, June 21 at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET.



Register for just $97 here.

What’s on the agenda for this NEW and LIVE Legal Master Class?

We’ll be diving into some intriguing topics, such as:

  • what are the legal risks of using AI?
  • how can you avoid pesky copyright snafus?
  • what can you do to use AI ethically to reduce bias and discrimination?
  • how can you protect your and your clients’ privacy when you use AI?

It’s like a new rollercoaster at the amusement park. You’re excited to hop on – but also feel a little trepidation. It’s all so fast and so new and so out of control.

I promise you, this rollercoaster of a Master Class chock full of AI legal knowledge is equally as exciting – but without all of the jerky head movements and jarring nausea.

By the end of this 60-Minute Class, you’ll be able to understand:

  • 2 legal issues around copyright you need to know.
  • 4 ways to avoid copyright violations when using AI.
  • how to protect the content YOU create with AI.
  • how to use AI ethically to promote accuracy (cause it’s not always accurate!).
  • what you need to do to protect people’s privacy.

If you’re a forward-thinking biz owner who embraces technology, this Master Class will help you learn how to protect your creations using AI and not violate others’ rights as you stay WAY ahead of the curve.

Register for just $97 here and join me on June 21 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET

(Yes, the Master Class will be recorded, but come live to ask your questions about AI!)

See you there!