{Webinar} How to Grow with Grace in business

by | Oct 19, 2017 | Blog

I have been feeling the urge to talk about more than just the law.

To go deeper into the CHAKRAS. To go deeper into addressing FEAR. To go deeper into growing a business with GRACE.

I don’t know about you, but at times I have felt like I’ve:

  • Been terrified of having people see my “messy side” because they won’t want to work with me 
  • Not known exactly what to say on my website or sale page because I don’t want to be inauthentic or “salesy” 
  • Been overwhelmed with too many exciting ideas and NO idea what to do first 
  • Just continued to GIVE, GIVE, and GIVE – because it’s really hard to say no 
  • Been afraid that if I grow too big I’ll turn into a cold, corporate, soulless bosslady (or bossman) which is EXACTLY what I DON’T want to be

Yeah, this is normal.

Building a business takes guts. And heart. And soul. And patience.

If you’re an online entrepreneur, coach, healer or heart-centered business owner who has ever felt any of these things, you’re not alone.  

You know I’m not your typical lawyer.

That’s why I am sooooo excited to go beyond the “legal stuff” to help you build a soulful business with love in the Grow With Grace™ webinar series.


When you sign up, you save your seat for the entire webinar series here.

In my book Easy Legal Steps (That Are Also Good for Your Soul) I align the legal steps with the chakras. (Like I said, I’m not your typical lawyer!)

In addition to that, I believe the 7 soul-centered principles that align with the chakras, can help support a thriving, heart-centered business:

  • Clarity
  • Boundaries
  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Communication
  • Intuition
  • Leadership

Join me and my hand-selected guest experts who are some of the BEST in their areas of expertise to help you shift your business in enormous ways to feel safe, secure, confident and empowered so you play bigger.

We begin October 25 for this weekly webinar series.

The 7-part webinar series is designed to help you Grow with Grace™ based on:

  • Soul-centered principles that align with the 7 chakras – Clarity, Boundaries, Confidence, Courage, Communication, Intuition & Leadership
  • Heart-centered business building tips from 7 soulful, brilliant guest experts
  • Action steps that you can use right away in your biz (who wants to wait?)

Here’s who you will hear from:

Each Zoom webinar is 60 minutes and will be recorded. If you can’t attend live, you’ll be sent the recording within 24 hours.

Save your seat for the entire webinar series here.

I’m excited and honored to be talking about how to Grow with Grace™ in business in this crazy world we’re living in. I hope you’ll join us!