How to protect online group programs

by | Mar 19, 2018 | Podcasts, Terms of Use

You probably know a lot of people who offer online group programs.

You probably know a lot of people who have NO IDEA how to legally protect their online group program.

You’re not alone.

This is what happened with Jessica.

Jessica created a new online group program. It’s a program where people sign up through a sales page on her website and then have access to weekly videos, handouts and group calls.

Jessica reached out because she didn’t know what legal document she needed for her online group program. She wanted legal protection for two reasons – to secure her income and to fall back on if someone in the group copied or swiped her work.

She felt confused and overwhelmed and just wanted a lawyer who understood the online space to help her.

Jessica said she had talked with a friend who was a real estate lawyer but her friend didn’t know about the online space. She was happy to find me since I’m an attorney AND a health & life coach, and I totally get both the legal world AND the entrepreneurial world. (You know I’m all about the AND!)

She felt relieved because all she had to do was say “I have an online group program” and I knew exactly what she was talking about.

So if you’re like Jessica, you might be wondering…

If YOU have an online group program, what legal document do you need?

You use what I call Terms of Use.

I did an entire podcast (short and sweet – just 16 minutes!) about how Terms of Use help you because I get so many questions about it.

Listen to podcast Episode 5 on iTunes here. (Don’t have iTunes? Listen through my website here.)


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What are Terms of Use?
  • When do you use Terms of Use?
  • 2 HUGE Reasons You Need Terms of Use and how they protect you
  • WHERE do you put the Terms of Use?
  • Why I align Terms of Use with the throat chakra

And be sure to grab your Terms of Use Tip Sheet for bonus info. You can download it HERE.

It was so important for Jessica to have sales policies to protect her income and her work – and she felt so happy when she could get the Terms of Use up on her site quickly and easily.

Just like Jessica, you can protect the beautiful group program that you’ve worked so hard to create. You put your time, energy and money – and your unique voice – into your program. You have a right to honor and protect it with strong, clear Terms of Use.

If you have an online group program or are thinking of creating one, have a quick listen to Episode 5 here.

And if you don’t have Terms of Use in place yet, you can find out more about how to get them here.

Here’s to getting legally covered with Terms of Use!