How to sleep like a rock (legally-speaking)

by | Jan 23, 2018 | DIY Legal Templates

Want to sleep like a rock? All night, every night?

Yeah, me too.

I can give you a few of my go-to sleep tips that work for me like to drink Nighty Night tea and sleep in a cold room with no blue lights from my electronics showing anywhere, but another way to sleep soundly is to…you guessed it!

Get legally covered with DIY templates.

Yep. No joke.

When you get your legal ducks in a row, you don’t toss and turn over whether:

  • someone is going to steal your course content (Sadly, it happens all the time.)
  • your website is BUCK NAKED without a Disclaimer, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
  • you should have gotten a written Client Agreement in place before you launched your new VIP program (yes, that would have been a good idea to protect your $)

Do you keep having nightmares about not being able to pay your credit card bill or your mortgage?

I get it. That’s a real fear (even if you don’t wake up in a pool of sweat.)

What’s a girl – or a guy! – to do?

Enter my DIY Legal Templates.

DIY Legal Templates mean no more nightmares for you.

If you haven’t discovered them yet, my DIY Legal Templates allow you to do it yourself, save money, and get covered quickly.

Here’s why. They are:

  • Easy to understand. No legal-mumbo jumbo.
  • Colorful. (yes, seriously – legal documents that use color!) #noboringblackandwhite
  • Legally legit.*
  • Thorough.
  • Created with love.
  • With directions how to fill them out and use them (so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!)

They are simple legal documents that come with an audio guide. Each DIY document aligns with a chakra – so they’re practical but they’re also good for your soul.

And most of the templates can be used over and over again…which saves you moolah.

Check out over 30 DIY Legal Templates here.

So cool, right?

Not sure which template you need? Just drop me a line at and I can help you figure it out!

I’m always creating new templates to support coaches & entrepreneurs. What other templates do you need? Hit reply and let me know so I can create it for you!

*Please note that these documents are legal templates that you complete and personalize yourself. An audio guide tells you what the document says (in plain English!) and you just fill in the blanks. You really can do it yourself. But, know that these documents do NOT create an attorney-client relationship and are not to be construed as legal advice. Always have a local attorney review any legal document that you use to be sure it complies with your state and local laws. Lisa is licensed as an attorney in the State of Ohio.