Introducing a new & improved one-stop-shop for your legal docs

by | Jul 25, 2022 | DIY Legal Templates

If you’ve been worried, confused or scared of the law and you don’t have your legal documents in place…..

Never fear! A new & improved one-stop-shop is here! ????

My mission is always to share how the law can protect you in PRACTICAL ways…

like protecting your income, helping you feel more professional and supporting you to make more money.

AND in ENERGETIC ways too…

to help you feel more confident, have more freedom and give your business an energetic boost.

You empower yourself when you put legal protections in place.

You “dare to go bare” when you use legal documents because you feel safe sharing your heart and soul with the world. AND you shift your vibe to create the life and business that you really want.

I’m so passionate about this that I wanted to give you a new & improved way to give you solid legal protection AND energetic business support.

(Because we all need LOTS of support – it’s an “AND”).


get legally covered so you can go bare now™

A DIY self-paced course
with 2 live legal q&a calls
to support you along the way.

I created the get legally covered so you can go bare now™ course as a live course back in 2015. Since then I’ve sold it as a DIY course.

Now – I’ve made it even better – and added EXTRA Legal Love™!

How so, you ask?

By including even MORE for the same price!

go bare now™ already includes:

  • 5 DIY legal templates written in plain English to download, save and tailor for you.

DIY Website Disclaimer
DIY Client Agreement
DIY Website Terms & Conditions
DIY Privacy Policy
DIY Terms of Use

  • 3 legal checklists – simple & easy steps to help you understand.

What do I need to know to register my biz and pay taxes?
Am I ready for an LLC or S-Corp – and which one is right for me?
How do I know what’s Trademark-worthy?

  • video clips about key legal tips & chakra-aligned business principles.
  • audio guides for the legal templates so you can listen along and fill in the blanks.
  • 1-Hour Power Hour – a private 1-hour call with me to ask questions in a 1-on-1 setting.
  • Private Facebook community to connect with other peeps in the course.

I’ve added EXTRAS because I’ve been craving adding a live component to this course. It’s already an amazing course but I wanted to gather together, add an extra template and provide energetic support. It feels good to me to do it.

Here are the EXTRAS for you:

  • 2 extra DIY Legal Templates for social media and for your hybrid/combo courses.

DIY Mini-Disclaimer
DIY Client Agreement for Small Groups & Masterminds

  • 2 LIVE Legal Q&A Calls to ask me questions about the legal templates.

August 15th and 24th (both calls will be recorded if you can’t attend live)

  • PLUS a 30-minute energy healing session – a private healing session to clear your chakras and remove blocks around legal stuff.

This special offer is only available through August 7, so you’ll want to jump on it while you can.

Get legal docs AND energetic support by enrolling in the go bare now™ right here.

By the end of this course, you’ll feel empowered & safe…

:: Grounded and secure with a strong legal base.
:: Free and brave to share it all.
:: Confident your policies are clear and in writing.
:: Happy your contracts are simple (so your clients won’t run for the hills!).
:: Professional and credible so you’ll be taken more seriously.
:: Proud to become a “real business” owner.
:: Relieved and at ease so you can create whatever you want.

Here’s to giving yourself the gift of legally AND energetically supporting your business this Fall!

Now is the ideal time to get your legal ducks in a row so you can support all of the programs and services you’re launching now and in the near future. Get ALL of the details for the go bare now HERE. I can’t wait to be with you to experience a one-stop- shop way to get legally covered!