Introducing the High Vibe Legal Course
If you’ve been worried, confused or scared of the law and you don’t have your legal documents in place…..
Never fear! A new kind of legal course is here! ?
In yesterday’s LIVE workshop I shared how the law can protect you not only in PRACTICAL ways – to protect your income, feel more professional and make more money… AND in ENERGETIC ways too – to feel more confident, more freedom and definitely more high vibe.
You can register here to listen to the replay.
Remember, when you’re feeling stuck & scared and holding yourself back from sharing your next course, program or video series because you’re scared that someone will come after you or demand a refund…
You empower yourself when you put legal protections in place.
You “dare to go bare” when you use legal documents because you feel safe sharing your heart and soul with the world. AND – bonus! – You shift your vibe to create the life and business that you really want.
You’re invited to join me for the brand new High Vibe Legal Course to give you solid legal protection AND energetic business support.
(Because we all need LOTS of support – it’s an “AND”).
A live course from October 21 – December 9, 2019
7 steps to get legally covered that are also good for your soul.
The High Vibe Legal Course includes DIY easy-to-use legal documents, LIVE 90-MINUTE WORKSHOPS (oooh! I can’t wait for these!), 2 private Power Hours with me, chakra-aligned essential oils, a chakra guide, and MUCH MORE. (Everyone always says “and more”, but in this case it’s true.) ?
We’re going BEYOND the legal docs to include MORE to help you move from feeling stuck, scared, and stalled to confident, capable, and crazy-successful as a business owner.
Know that the legal documents are designed specifically for you in the online space are important, but so is extra biz love and energetic support too. And, we’re sharing it at an investment that is MUCH less than going to a traditional lawyer for just 1-2 legal docs.
Get legal docs AND energetic support by enrolling in the High Vibe Legal Course here.
By the end of this course, you’ll feel empowered & safe…
:: Grounded and secure with a strong legal base.
:: Free and brave to share it all.
:: Confident your policies are clear and in writing.
:: Happy your contracts are simple (so your clients won’t run for the hills!).
:: Professional and credible so you’ll be taken more seriously.
:: Proud to become a “real business” owner.
:: Relieved and at ease so you can create whatever you want.
AND there’s a spiritual bonus! When you enroll by THIS Saturday, September 28 at 11:59 pm PT, you receive TWO 30-Minute Chakra Clearings with Lisa.
(You probably didn’t know I’m Chakredy-trained to clear energy from the chakras using a pendulum, right? I don’t publicize it much, but I love doing it! $197 value each).
Here’s to becoming a High-Vibe Business owner and giving yourself the gift of legally AND energetically supporting your business this Fall!
Fall is the ideal time to get your legal ducks in a row so you can support all of the programs and services you’re launching now and planning for 2020. Get ALL of the details for the High Vibe Legal Course here. I can’t wait to be with you to experience a NEW way to get legally covered!