Join me for a free Live Legal Q&A today!

by | Aug 2, 2022 | DIY Legal Templates

It’s totally true….Getting legally covered helps you sleep at night. It relaxes you.

It feels like the chill feeling you have after you get out your yoga mat and meditate for 20 minutes… when the world feels still, safe, free and relaxed.

THAT’S how you want to feel in your biz too.

Believe it or not, legal docs can help.

When you use DIY easy-to-use legal templates that are part of the get legally covered so you can go bare now™ DIY course…

You can take small legal steps to feel more safe, secure, confident and empowered in your business.

You can stop playing small because you’re afraid of the legal parts of biz.

You can expand, share new offers, and be more visible, so you can have the life and business you really want.

I’m so happy to be offering the go bare now™ course to give you 7 DIY legal templates (yes! 7!) that you can easily fill in and use for your business so that you can reduce your risk, limit your liability, and feel more RELAXED because you know your legal docs support your backbends, warrior poses, and downward dogs in your business.

Right now, if you enroll in go bare now™, you’ll receive:

– 7 legal templates (instead of the regular 5!) with videos and audio guides
– 2 LIVE Legal Q&A Sessions with me to ask questions
– 1 private 1-Hour Power Hour with me
– energy clearing session
– and so much more (yes, I said it – but it’s true!)

Enroll in the go bare now course™ here – by August 7!

Not sure if the go bare now™ course is right for you?

Or even how to get started with getting legally covered so you can feel zen in your biz?

I’ve got you!

Join me TODAY, Aug 2 at 2 pm ET for a LIVE GROUP Q&A CALL on Zoom right HERE.



No need to sign up in advance, just mark your calendar, get your questions ready and join me live.

I’ll address as many general questions as I can during the hour (in a laser-like way) so that you can happily hop off Zoom feeling clear, confident and calm – and you’ll know your next legal steps.

See you on Zoom later today!

Join me TODAY for the free live Legal Q&A at 2pm ET / 1pm CT / Noon MT / 11am PT right here.

Now is the time to get legally covered so you can relax and feel zen. Enroll in go bare now™ right here.