Join me for the Confidence-Creating Legal Workshop 101 TODAY!

by | Sep 24, 2019 | Boundaries, Chakras, Clarity, Communication, Confidence, Courage, Intuition, Leadership

TODAY is the Confidence-Creating Legal Workshop 101! It’s not too late to join us!

You can learn how 4 legal steps and 4 chakra-aligned energetic principles can help you get LEGALLY COVERED and support you feeling in more CONFIDENT as a thriving, heart-centered business owner.


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Join us HERE for the Confidence-Creating Legal Workshop 101.



The reason I created this workshop is because when you feel safe and protected, you don’t hold yourself back anymore.

You can go out into the world and create new heart-felt programs, help more people, and grow your business…which is what most biz owners want to do.

As an entrepreneur, I know how freaking hard you work – you pour your blood, sweat and tears into your business. 

I get totally it. Because I’m an entrepreneur too. 

Your business is your Creative Baby. Your Genius. Your Livelihood. 

You are ALLOWED to protect your biz and keep it safe – without turning into a cold, corporate, scary business owner.

When you take legal steps you empower yourself and feel FREE to create whatever you want.

  • You know you are backed so you feel safe to step up.
  • You feel confident and secure to share your deepest work.
  • You show who you really are.
  • You bare your heart and soul to the world.

When you put legal protections in place, you can be free to create whatever you want and do it in a really loving way.

Want to feel more legally safe and confident in your business?

Join me TODAY for the Confidence-Creating Legal Workshop 101 at 10am PT /1pm ET.

You’ll also learn about my new High Vibe Legal course which legally protects your work AND boosts your vibe at the same time (so you can feel High Vibe too!).

I can’t wait to talk about this important topic. I’ve packed a lot of great content (no fluff!) into this Workshop so I hope you’ll take advantage of it and join me on Zoom!

See you there!