Law and luxury adventures in one incredible experience

by | Apr 17, 2023 | Retreat

If you haven’t heard my story… I call myself a Legal Coach® and Holistic Lawyer® because I approach law… well, a little bit differently than most lawyers.

I believe the law is energetic too.

One day, about 10 years ago, I was typing away on my laptop in my home office when it dawned on me…

Isn’t it interesting that I’m a lawyer, and yet, my vision board is all about energy and spiritual principles? 

Clearly, I’m trained as a lawyer AND as a holistic health and life coach…. and BOTH sides of me help my clients grow their businesses. 

And though it doesn’t seem like it, legal documents and boundaries protect your biz, but they’re also energetically charged too. 

Then it hit me through divine intervention…

The 7 most common steps most entrepreneurs take are in a particular order and aligned almost magically with the seven chakras. 

I could see it unfold like this:



And I was floored. My heart started pounding. My head started spinning.

I knew I was onto something. Something different. Something that makes law easier to understand and to teach. Something a little scary to share with the world, but ooooh, I knew it was something good.

In that moment, I realized that law and spirituality didn’t have to be an “either/or” choice. It could be an “and.”

By listening to my intuition and being open to the voice of the Universe, I realized I could bring both sides of me together.

I’ve spent 10 years aligning legal steps with the chakras… and now I’ve expanded to offer holistic EXPERIENCES combining law and spirituality….

That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to come to Sedona!

Join me this Fall for a 1-on-1 VIP Retreat in Sedona to combine business, law and luxury adventures!

(Cause let’s face it… I’m all about luxury too!)



I specifically designed this Retreat to help you combine biz, law and life into a work/play vacation!

It’s not just a biz retreat.
It’s not just a spiritual retreat.
It’s definitely not just a legal retreat.

It’s ALL of them combined!



Need even more reasons to come? 

You can bring your person!

Say what? Yep!

You can bring your friend/sister/spouse/partner and have them join you on excursions and for yummy healthy meals!



If you need to carve out some time to work on your biz, or you’re stuck and don’t know how to move forward, or you need legal help – or aren’t sure what you need…

Join me in Sedona for a VIP 1-on-1 Retreat to get legally clear in your business and to create lifelong memories with your person (or yourself!)

Select your weekend in September, October or November and sign up here.

But don’t wait! Plan for the Fall now because the Summer gets busy. And I want you to be able to come on the date that works best for you.

We’ll be embracing the “and” during your holistic experience – biz, law, and adventure!

I can’t wait to see you in Sedona!

Don’t wait – book now to get your choice of weekends. Have questions about the Retreat? We’re happy to hop on the phone to talk with you. Just hit reply and let us know and we’ll send you the link to book a call.