Do you sell group programs or online courses?

Protect your work & refund-proof what you sell!.

Purchasers need to agree to your sales terms when they buy your group programs, online courses and info products.

what is it?

Your Terms of Use for Online Programs + Products are the sales terms & conditions for your group programs, online courses, or info products (For one-on-one services, you’ll need a Client Agreement.)

Terms of Use are the sales terms that you need so purchasers read and agree to them BEFORE they purchase your group program or online course from your site.

They say what purchasers CAN and CAN’T do with your PROGRAM materials (like your videos, modules, program guide, sample documents) and it’s the legal language you fall back on if someone copies, swipes or sells your stuff.

They’re totally different from your Website Terms and Conditions + Privacy Policy.

They are strong legal terms to protect your programs & courses in PRACTICAL ways, and also raise your energy SPIRITUALLY to support your throat chakra by supporting your brand and message as you share your truth and gifts with online purchasers near and far.

why do you need it?

So you clearly spell out your sales terms for the purchase.

So you include your refund policy and online commerce terms.

So you protect your course materials and your intellectual property.

So you have tight legal language to fall back in writing.

So you support your message and brand as you share your message beyond one-on-one services.

what’s included?

The Luxe Terms of Use for Online Programs & Products Package  includes:

  • Terms of Use for Online Programs & Products – your terms and conditions all spelled out for group programs, online courses, or info products.
  • Terms of Use Prep Sheet – to get clear about what you want to share and protect in your group programs, online courses or info products.
  • 30-Minute Prep Call – One-on-one phone call with Lisa to gather some info about you and your online programs and materials.
  • 60-Minute Walk Through Call + Coaching Session – One-on-one call with Lisa by phone to walk through your document, infuse it with your energy, coach through any fears & answer your questions.
  • E-mail Support for 6 Months – Extra Legal Love™ through e-mail coaching and support, as needed, for the next 6 months.
  • Directions for Adding Your Terms of Use to Your Sales Page or Shopping Cart that you can give to your website designer.

the investment?

1 payment of $2497

6 payments of $427

10 payments of $257

“I truly felt my legal prayers had been answered! As the time approached for launching my online course I started to worry about my content being safe from copycats or being shared without my permission. I had worked for years to create a system that was unique to me and leaving all of that hard work, heart & soul vulnerable and up for grabs to anyone on the internet made me feel sick to my stomach. But at the same time the mere thought of figuring out what I needed legally was SO overwhelming.

Lisa took the time to make sure I was aware of ALL of the ways in which I needed to be was protected and why (much more than I thought!). Within 2 days she had my program Terms of Use tailored to my business & what I was offering specifically. I didn’t have to read through and figure it out myself (which I never would’ve done). Instead she walked me through, step by step while making it EASY to understand.

As a creative entrepreneur my work often feels like my baby and because of Lisa’s approach and skills I now feel fully protected and secure about sharing my work with the world. She’s a legal angel and I cannot recommend her enough!!”

- Susan Ferraro

Mindset Coach & Creator of EASY PEASY LOA

have questions?

Schedule a free 20-minute Legal Chat to ask any questions about this package.

Lisa Fraley, JD, CHHC, AADP

Legal Coach® & Attorney for Entrepreneurs
Lisa Fraley Legal Coach LLC

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