One day left to go BARE (legally, we mean!)

by | Oct 20, 2016 | Blog

JUST ONE DAY LEFT to go BARE with us (legally, we mean!)

We’re popping into your inbox today to remind you that you’ve got ONE DAY LEFT to sign up for Damsel goes bare™, the legal course for entrepreneurs – the FULL live 6-week version or the LITE self-study program.

If you’re trying to figure out which one is right for you, here’s a reminder of what’s included in each course:


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If you like a lot of hand-holding when it comes to the legal stuff, the support of a group and live Q&A calls to ask questions, the FULL course is right for you.

If you like self-study courses or doing things on your own, then you’ll love the LITE course.

The FULL course starts this Monday and we are so excited! Our first lesson will cover client contracts and you’ll learn all the pieces you need to have in them, and how to customize them to your unique business – and get your own client contract ready to use immediately.

If you miss signing up for the Damsel goes bare™ FULL course , you won’t get our full attention in live Q&A calls, Facebook group and e-mails to answer your questions about website disclaimers, client agreements, website terms & conditions, privacy policies (and more!) so you can protect your business and your brand. We encourage you to join us now.

The doors close tomorrow night at 11:59pm so sign up TODAY to get your legal documents in place, strengthen your boundaries and up your biz vibe – so you can cover your buns!

Sign up for the Damsel goes bare™ FULL course or the LITE course now. Registration closes tomorrow.

We’re ready to love you up and support you as you protect your biz and brand. We bring the sparkles and the soul – all you have to do is show up!


We can’t wait to welcome you to Damsel goes bare™!

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