Selling online information products? Do this.
(Of course, Maya isn’t her real name. You know, confidentiality.)
Maya is a relationship coach who has created a self-paced DIY course on “How to Date Yourself Before You Date a Partner”.
(Great title, right?)
She launched her course and a bunch of people had purchased it off of her website.
And, because it’s a DIY info product, it’s passive income for her. (Yay for passive income!)
But Maya was upset.
A purchaser had just emailed Maya to ask for a full refund.
Maya reached out to me because she didn’t know how to handle it.
Maya didn’t want to give the purchaser a refund. Did she HAVE to do it?
Because it was an online info product, the purchaser had gotten immediate access to ALL of the course content.
Maya could tell from the back end of her online platform that the purchaser had already downloaded everything…and now wanted ALL of the money back.
Maya was totally bummed out.
She knew she didn’t have her purchasers “sign anything” or click any checkboxes to agree to legal terms when they bought her info product. She didn’t have a written refund policy that her purchasers had agreed to during the checkout process.
But Maya wondered, “Since my purchaser had ALREADY viewed and downloaded her ENTIRE info product, do I even have to give a refund?”
I told Maya that this is a painful lesson to learn sometimes, especially if she has no refund policy in writing.
Unfortunately, since Maya didn’t have a written refund policy, yes, Maya had to give a refund…even though the purchaser had already downloaded everything.
Which totally stinks.
What Maya now knows she should have done was have her purchasers agree to legal terms, like my DIY Terms of Use, which include a strong written refund policy.
Terms of Use are the sales terms that purchasers agree to in the shopping cart before they enter their credit card information and pay for the info product.
It has clear written legal terms to fall back on if someone asks for their money back, swipes your content, and more.
The DIY Terms of Use (like all of my DIY legal templates) is:
- specifically designed for online entrepreneurs
- written in plain English
- able to be completed quickly
- costs WAAAAAAAAY less than hiring a lawyer to draft it for you (I mean hundreds of dollars less!)
Maya was bummed out about having to give that refund.
AND Maya was glad to learn that getting the DIY Terms of Use would help her NOT have to give a refund to anyone else going forward.
Maya wanted the DIY Terms of Use on the spot.
And because she wanted to protect the rest of her work, she also needed documents to protect her website, course content, income and assets. So she actually purchased the “get legally covered so you can go bare now™” course as a one-stop shop.
Maya was thrilled to:
– get her DIY Terms of Use for her info product
– have a strong written refund policy
– “lawyer up” and get ALL of the legal documents she needed at once
– get a package of legal docs for a bundled rate in the go bare now™ course to save tons of money
If you need Terms of Use with a strong refund policy, and like Maya, you know it’s time to get all of your legal ducks in a row…
Enroll in go bare now™ right here on or before August 7 (and get extra bonuses!)
Check it out. Save money. Don’t waste time. Just get ‘em done.
If you need a DIY Terms of Use – and also website documents, a client agreement, and one-stop shop for business registration, LLCs, Trademarks, and more – check out the get legally covered so you can go bare now ™ course.
It includes the DIY Terms of Use.
Plus 6 additional DIY Legal Templates.
Plus a 1-hour Power Hour with me.
Plus a 30-minute Energy Clearing Session.
Plus 2 LIVE Q&A Calls with me to answer your questions.
Plus even more bonuses.
Yes, it’s a course packed with fruit flavors. 🙂
But it feels good to be able to support you so fully! (It’s my best offer yet!)
get legally covered so you can go bare now™
A DIY self-paced course
with 2 live legal Q&A calls
to support you along the way.
Whether you’re brand new, 2-3 years in, or very experienced… go from stuck and scared to confident and empowered FASTER and in a way that is SOULFULLY aligned.
Imagine getting 7 DIY Legal Templates + 3 Legal Checklists + a 1-on-1 Power Hour with me + more.
All for just under $200/month for 10 months!
This offer is only open through Sunday, August 7.
Are you ready to exhale a sigh of relief like Maya – knowing how to get legally covered?
Enroll in go bare now™ here and get extra goodies through August 7.