Even smart cookies (like me!) struggle with marketing. This helped.

by | Feb 13, 2017 | Blog

Let’s just call a spade a spade: I am a smart cookie, and I know you are too. #ownit

I have a law degree, a Life Coach Certification through Coach U (the same certification as Marie Forleo, by the way!), a Health Coach Certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and I am a Certified Fitness Instructor through the American Council on Exercise. #perpetualstudent

But, even with all of this education and knowledge, before I discovered B-School, I really only had a vague idea of how to do online programs or marketing in any consistent way. I truly had no clue.

As recently as 2 and a half years ago, I didn’t even have an e-newsletter. I didn’t “have a list” to speak of. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I didn’t have any kind of a marketing plan or schedule at all.

I was doing 1-on-1 legal coaching only via word of mouth and a little Facebook posting here and there.

I’m not kidding. That was it.

I thought there must be some secret to online marketing that I didn’t know about.

Fairly early on in my biz it felt really overwhelming to me to come up with an e-newsletter marketing calendar, social media planner, and all the online stuff you hear about.

Even now, I hate to plan too far ahead because I like some freedom in my calendar and the maverick in me was like: “Do I really need to do that stuff? Am I missing something if I don’t do it? What if I don’t WANT to do all of that, anyway?”

The whole marketing piece felt overwhelming – even for a #smartypants like me.

When I discovered B-School, I learned that marketing didn’t have to be so “much”. It didn’t have to feel like a chore or like something I HAVE to do. It could be light and ease-filled and organized.


Back in 2014, when I first started writing e-newsletters, I knew I wanted to write about legal steps to protect you and how I so uniquely tie them into the chakras because I believe they protect you from being sued, of course, but they also up your energetic vibe and firm up your boundaries.

I wanted to write from an authentic place of service and post on social media only when it felt good to me – not on some rigid schedule – but I didn’t know exactly how often I should do that or whether that approach would be effective.

Marie said when you start running your business like a “pro”- that means taking it seriously and focusing on making a difference (and not doing the things you “should” be doing if they don’t feel right), doors will open for you in your life and your biz.

For Marie, when she made the switch, not only did her business expand by thousands, but she started making MILLIONS of dollars. She’s a total multi-millionaire!

Not only does she run an uber-successful B-School each year (doors are opening soon!), but she’s been on “Super Soul Sunday”, given a “Super Soul Session” at one of Oprah’s live events and been a coach on “The Steve Harvey Show”.

Watch video #2 HERE to hear more about how to run your biz like a pro and how she made millions.



I hope you enjoy the video and you’re as inspired by Marie as I am.

And be sure to stay tuned for a sneak peek into Marie’s video #3 – a BEHIND-the-scenes look into B-School – coming soon!

Here’s to running your biz like a pro and saluting Marie for being such an amazing inspiration!

I fully believe in the power of B-School and these videos given my personal experience with the B-School course, community and experience, and in full disclosure (like a good lawyer!), I need to tell you that I’ll earn a referral fee if you sign up for B-School through these video links, but you should know that these videos and this course is AMAZING and I wouldn’t promote Marie’s work unless I fully believed in it. Promise.

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