Top 3 legal tips for coaches and creatives (2 days left!)

by | Oct 6, 2017 | Blog

If you’re a coach or creative, there’s something you need to know about legal protections: they’re different for you.

Let’s be honest: you always knew you were a special soul with a totally one-of-a-kind personality, and full of brilliance to offer the world.

You’re unique and so is your business. When it comes to the law, your work is different than other service providers. You want to be sure that your contracts and legal protections cover how you work specifically.

Here are my top 3 legal tips for coaches and creatives:

I know. The legal stuff is probably not at the top of your to do list. Not to mention, you have no idea WHAT to do!

Imagine how confident and strong you’d feel if you had…

  • A clear “no refund” policy so you don’t have to give refunds.
  • A way to protect your online course videos & pdfs from copycats.
  • A written agreement for your 1:1 clients so they can’t wiggle out of it.

1. Use a Client Agreement with clear expectations for clients.

When you work with 1:1 clients, you need a contract that is unlike any other.

Because relationships are at the core of your business, you’ll need agreements that lay out the CLEAR EXPECTATIONS of your client relationship.

Not only do you want to state the basics like what will you get paid and what’s included in  your program, but you also want to be clear about how much “access” your client has to you and how you want your clients to show up fully during your calls.

There is NO other business arrangement quite like coaching, so you’ll need an agreement that is specifically written to cover your expectations  (and that’s why generic documents just don’t cut it).

We get it, and we have a client agreement template especially for you.

2. Protect your website content with strong Website Terms & Conditions:

As a creative, you’re in a unique position of having to protect not just yourself, but your work. Your work IS your intellectual property, so how can you make sure no one’s stealing or running off with your website content?

You need Website Terms & Conditions that state specifically that people can’t copy your website content and use it on THEIR website – or anywhere else for that matter.

In Damsel goes bare™ – the FULL or the LITE course, you’ll receive the EXACT legal language for your Website Terms & Conditions to use on your website.

3. Include a “no guarantees” clause in your Terms of Use for your group programs or online courses.

If you create online courses or programs, chances are they’re intended to help clients get certain “results,” and that’s a wonderful thing.

However, a client’s results are not dependent solely on what you’re delivering. They are MORE dependent on what the client accomplishes themselves and how they implement what they learn by taking action steps to change their lives.

If they’re not doing the work, no matter how fantastic your course is or how much money they paid you, you cannot be held responsible for their results. #truth

But, how do you say that legally and in writing?

You want your Terms of Use document to say that you make no guarantees as to the results that the client can expect to receive by participating in your program or purchasing your online course.

If you need specific language for your Terms of Use for your online courses and group programs so that you’re not being held responsible for your clients getting certain results, you’ll find it in the Damsel goes bare FULL course.

If you’re a coach or a creative, Damsel goes bare™ FULL is EXACTLY what you need to thoroughly protect yourself and your work.

In the 6-week long legal education course, you receive ALL of the legal protection you need if you’re a coach or creative to cover your 1:1 clients, website protection and online courses so you can find relief from murky communication with clients, leaving your website content open without any legal language, and clients thinking you are guaranteeing their results. #scary




Only 2 MORE DAYS to sign up for Damsel goes bare™!

Damsel goes bare FULL version is a LIVE 6-week legal course includes:

  • 6 Legal Documents – templates to personalize for your biz with videos to go with each one
    • Client Contract
    • Website Disclaimer
    • Website Terms & Conditions
    • Website Privacy Policy
    • Terms of Use for Group Programs & Online Courses
    • *BONUS* Testimonial Release
  • 6 Video Lessons – on Client Contracts, Website Documents, Trademark, Copyright, Business Entities, *BONUS* Hiring a Team
  • 6 Weekly Q&A Calls with Gena & Lisa to ask your questions
  • Private Facebook Community 


But hurry! The cart closes in just 2 DAYS – on Sunday at 11:59 pm ET!