Use this Certification Agreement to teach your methodology to mentees
As you go into 2021 and plan ahead, you may want to teach your methodology in a “certification course” so your mentees can use it with their own clients.
You may have wondered: “Do I need an agreement so my mentees are clear about how to use my info and don’t take my methodology and claim it as theirs?”
Yep! That’s right!
Don’t wing it without a written agreement. Use a Certification Agreement.
Legal Love™ Tip:
A Certification Agreement sets the “rules of the game” for training your mentee in your methodology.
What is it exactly?
A Certification Agreement is a type of licensing agreement.
It gives others the right to use your work – but only in ways you allow.
It spells out the benefits your mentee receives after completing the certification requirements – like receiving a certificate, special title, using a special logo, and/or being listed in a directory.
(BTW, you don’t have to give all of these benefits – or any of them. These are just some of the most common benefits I see so I list them as examples in the DIY Certification Agreement to help you with filling in the blanks.)
Why do you need it?
A Certification Agreement is a legally binding agreement with the requirements and expectations of you AND of your mentee as they complete your certificate course so they use your content with others in the way that you would like them to use it.
Here are 5 reasons why you need a Certification Agreement:It makes your mentees highly aware of what they need to do to complete the training course and receive a certificate.
1. It makes your mentees highly aware of what they need to do to complete the training course and receive a certificate.
2. It’s the best way to make sure you are on the same page from the outset so your mentees get the best results.
3. It puts your policies in writing so it backs you up – like your disclaimer language, refund policy, and intellectual property policy to protect your work.
4. It limits your liability so your mentees know that you’re not liable for how they communicate it to their clients. (A big worry for some biz owners….)
5. It helps you if your mentee engages in ‘bad behavior’ – like something unethical (heaven forbid!) – so you can stop them from using your methodology going forward so your brand isn’t tarnished too.
If 2021 is the year you want to offer a certificate and teach your methodology to your mentees, then this simple, fill-in-the-blank legal template can make it easy for you to get your agreement ready to go.
Learn more about the DIY Certification Agreement here.
Here’s to expanding your biz (and income!) by teaching your methodology to mentees!