Using AI as a miracle tool in your business? Here’s how – legally & ethically.

by | Jul 24, 2023 | DIY Legal Master Classes

You may not realize that AI spits out what we all put in it.

So I believe we all need to be a part of creating an AI repository of clean, ethical, accurate information.

It’s shocking that I have to even say that…it should be obvious.

But it’s new technology. It may not come to mind that we have a collective obligation to not use other people’s copyrighted works in response to a ChatGPT prompt – or promote falsehoods or stereotypes through AI.

When you show up using AI in a legal and ethical way, you’ll stand out from people who are still stuck in “bro language,” old mindsets, and outdated exclusionary approaches.

People will be able to feel in their bones that you’re coming from a good place.

They’ll be able to FEEL that you want to be part of a positive future by showing up to shape AI from a high vibration.

Even if you don’t usually feel like you have a voice out there on the internet (hello? Buehler?)…. we EACH contribute our voices to AI.

I know it sounds crazy… but we each can impact AI. That’s how the AI algorithm works.

AI is not purely something that’s happening “to us.”  We can be part of how AI evolves by how we show up using AI ourselves.

Wrap your brain around that one again.

We each can be part of how AI evolves by how we use AI.

So using AI legally and ethically appropriately is critical – especially at this early stage of AI.

AI is just getting started, and I want us to ride the wave of innovation together and stay ahead of the curve.

So how do you use AI legally and ethically appropriately?

Glad you asked.

Last month I was excited to lead a Live Legal Master Class on using AI in business.

And it made me realize (again!) just how important this topic is because it’s evolving & changing every day.

Soooooo I’ve recorded a DIY Legal Master Class on AI for you to take anytime, anywhere! 



In less than 1 hour (really, it’s only about 40-45 minutes), you’ll learn how to protect yourself and your business from legal and ethical pitfalls.

You’ll also learn how to use AI to innovate and expand your work.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • What are the legal risks of using AI?
  • How can I protect the text, images or videos I create with AI?
  • What do I need to know to avoid copyright violations?
  • How can I use AI in a way that’s ethical to reduce bias & discrimination?
  • What privacy issues do I need to be aware of?

Learn more about the DIY AI Legal Master Class here.

Since we’re talking about using AI legally safely, this DIY Master Class is aligned with supporting your root chakra.

It’s designed to foster safety, stability – and the rooted knowledge that you’re embracing technological advancement in a way that’s legally safe, ethically appropriate.

And you’ll build trust with your clients and partners. Yay for that! 😄

Sign up now and be on the forefront of the AI revolution on the legal front!