Using AI? Avoid plagiarism and copyright infringement

by | Oct 30, 2023 | DIY Legal Master Classes

You’ve heard me talk a lot about AI this year. It’s taking the world by storm.

There are several things to keep in mind when you use AI:

1. Know AI is not always a reliable source just yet.

2. Know how to protect yourself from accusations of plagiarism.

3. Know how to watch out for copyright infringement.

How do you do these things?

I talked with Tracy Matthews recently on her Thrive by Design Podcast about “How to Use AI Without Getting Sued For Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement.”

Listen to the short podcast episode here (it’s just 32 minutes!)

It starts with understanding the difference between having original ideas and using others’ ideas in our business.

Sometimes our ideas are unique.

Sometimes we look to others for their ideas and expound on them.

And sometimes, we (or AI!) use others’ ideas without permission or compensation… and this is the problem.



What should you do so you won’t be accused of using others’ ideas if you use AI to write your next e-newsletter or social media post?

Have a listen and learn these need-to-know tips to protect yourself and your work:

  • Why learning about how to protect yourself from getting sued isn’t something you want to put off – trust me!
  • The difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement.
  • How to steer clear of plagiarism, stealing, copyright and trademark infringement accusations.
  • How to protect your work from others trying to take ownership of it.
  • Steps you should be taking right now to stay safe and be smart with AI.

Listen to the quick podcast episode here.

Want to learn even more about how to stay safe using AI? (Ah, there’s so much to know!) 🤓

Check out my DIY Legal Master Class to understand the legally safe use of AI in your business called What Do I Need I Know When Using AI In My Business?

AI is a great tool – and it’s here to stay – so I’m happy to help you be in the know and stay on top of these important AI legal issues.

Here’s to staying safe when using AI!