What can happen if you aren’t legally covered? Doors close today!

by | Aug 7, 2022 | DIY Legal Templates

Clients come to me and say things like:

“I drafted my own disclaimer for my website. Am I protected?”

“I copied and pasted a few client agreements that I saw online. Does that cover me?”

“My business coach didn’t use a contract. I don’t have to either, right?”

And while I applaud their good intentions for wanting to get some legal language in place, for all of these questions, I have to say “Nope!”(just like in the amazing Jordan Peele’s sci-fi horror movie!)


When you’re not legally covered in a legit way…

???? You may end up losing money.

This is a biggie. Without a well-crafted refund policy, you may have to give a refund if a client asks for it – even when you don’t want to. Trust me, you don’t want that.

✂️ You may leave huge gaps in your legal documents totally exposing you.

You might be cutting and pasting legal language that doesn’t even cover you. This is like cutting your own hair when you’re not a hair stylist. You may end up with crooked bangs or chopped off ends when all you wanted was a sleek bob.

???? You may see copycats swipe your content… and get away with it.

Without the right intellectual property language, you may see your best blog post or your course guide swiped by another coach online. (I’ve seen this too many times to count. No joke.)

Don’t put off getting your legal documents in order so you can protect yourself.

If you’re just starting out – nope, it’s not too early.

If it’s been on your “to do” list for a while, – nope, it’s not too late.

Just like Goldilocks, now is the perfect time to cover your buns and feel safe, secure and confident that you’ve taken the right steps to protect your income, brand and biz.

Today is the LAST DAY to enroll in “go bare now” and get your legal docs and all the extras in a one-stop shop, created by an attorney who gets what you do.



It’s the last day to join us for “get legally covered so you can go bare now” with these EXTRAS (plus everything already in the course:)

– 2 LIVE Q&A calls with me to ask your questions
– an EXTRA legal template (for a total of 7!)
– a bonus energy clearing session so you feel safe and bold to move forward

Hop over and enroll in “go bare now” today as I don’t know when these extras will be offered again.

Here’s to not leaving yourself exposed – and to getting legally covered!