Find out what to say when someone copies your content (and how to prevent it)

by | Mar 10, 2017 | Blog

Yesterday’s webinar on “Clients Who Ask for Refunds & Don’t Pay You” was so much fun. Yes, I try to infuse the law with fun – and a lot of Legal Love! That’s my specialty!

Everyone walked away with an easy legal tip sheet so they know exactly what to do & say if someone asks for a refund or issues a chargeback. Did you miss it and want to listen to the replay so you know how to get paid? Just click here to register for the replay of Webinar #1.

What I’m going to tell you now is shocking.




I’ve had clients come to me in tears when they see that someone has copied their stuff – literally WORD for WORD. Things like their:

  • Sales pages
  • Home pages
  • About page (yes! really!)
  • Course or program content
  • Online course
  • Trademarked brand

Yep! It’s true. There are Copycats and Swipers out there who copy and take your hard-earned content that took you YEARS to create!

It’s especially frustrating when someone takes your COURSE CONTENT that’s connected to your income.

It’s infuriating and disheartening when this Legal Pickle™ happens…and it happens more often than any of us would like. That’s why I want to tell you exactly what to do and say when someone takes your course content.

Here’s what you’ll learn in Webinar #2 of the webinar series on Tuesday, March 14th:

1. You’ll find out EXACTLY what steps to take when someone:

  • Copies your sales page text and puts it on THEIR sales page
  • Lifts your course content and pretends that they created it themselves
  • Makes a video series that’s almost exactly like yours

2. PLUS you’ll get a Legal Tip Sheet so you can get all of the steps in writing to keep for future reference if a Copycat or Swiper snags your stuff.

You’re all signed up so plan to join us to learn how to deal with Copycats & Swipers.

Ready to get the scoop on how to deal with Copycats & Swipers?  Here’s the webinar info for Webinar #2 in the webinar series (it’s FREE!):



Webinar #2:
Copycats & Swipers Who Steal Your Course Content

Find out what to do & say when someone copies your stuff – and how to prevent it.
Tuesday, March 14 @ 2 pm ET / 11am PT

There’s no launch. No program offer. No sales pitch for these webinars.  Instead, we’re just CELEBRATING my brand new website and helping you know what easy legal steps to take to avoid Legal Pickles in this FREE webinar series!

Oh, and no worries if you can’t attend live. You can sign up & receive ALL of the webinar series recordings within 24 hours after they’re held.

Here’s to taking sour situations and turning them into sweet success!

I’m so excited to share my new website with you! Want to see other lady bosses who feel safe, secure, confident and empowered after getting legally covered? Check out my Client Love page here.