{Webinar} Why It’s So Freaking Hard to Set Firm Boundaries

by | Oct 31, 2017 | Blog

If there’s one thing I know for sure, there’s an Achilles Heel of being a coach or heart-centered entrepreneur…

It’s that we have WAY too tough a time setting firm boundaries—or, truth be told, sometimes any boundaries at all.

  • We let clients miss calls.

  • We let clients skip payments.
  • We don’t hold our clients to the contracts they signed.
  • We reply to emails in the wee hours of the night, and we go way above and beyond what we stated in our program description.

  • We let clients talk on and on and we don’t end coaching calls on time because we don’t want to hurt their feelings or cut them off in an emotional moment.

We don’t want to appear cold or harsh or be too corporate or inflexible – so we give and give and GIVE.

Now, if you’re (sheepishly) recognizing some of your own behavior, you are not alone.

It can be challenging to say no.

It’s hard to draw lines.

It’s hard to enforce a boundary when someone is in need or depending on you.

It’s one of the hardest things to do in business—and in life. I have a hard time doing it at times, too.

That’s why I’m so excited to talk with Amy Lippmann, Founder of Marketing for Health Coaches, about BOUNDARIES and the sacral chakra on Thursday at 1 pm ET.



This is webinar #2 of the (free) Grow with Grace series – my gift to you to help you build a soulful business with love and to hear how I’ve done it over the past few years and my guest experts have done it with their businesses too.



I’m going to be talking with Amy about how to set boundaries in business (especially using your marketing!) to have more time, money and energy – without feeling like everyone will hate you.

Amy is a stellar marketing strategist and she’s got some actionable tips to put into place so you can draw firm boundaries and let your marketing support you. She’s someone I have known and looked up to for the past 6 years and I’m excited to share her wisdom with you!

Save your seat HERE for my webinar with Amy (and all 7 of the webinars in the entire webinar series)!

I am loving going beyond the legal side of biz and talking about the chakras in a heartfelt and soulful way! See you there!