Your Q’s answered about insurance

by | Jun 26, 2023 | DIY Legal Master Classes

If you’re a wellness coach, holistic practitioner or small biz owner, and you’re looking for info about insurance, here are 5 important questions to ask:

  1. What kind of insurance is available for health and wellness practitioners?
  2. How much coverage should I get?
  3. How much does a typical policy cost?
  4. Do I need general liability insurance too, even if I don’t see clients in person?
  5. What other insurance do I need? Like do I need cyber insurance?
  6. Insurance holds the bottom up in your business if something goes wrong.

Legal Love™ Tip: Insurance is a safety net for your money.🛟💸



Where do you find the answers to your burning insurance questions?🔥


Even though I’m not an insurance agent, I’ve got a LOT of info for you about insurance.

That’s why I created the DIY Legal Master Class called “Insurance Basics.”

(Hmmm…maybe we should change the title because it goes into WAY more than just the basics!)🤓

This DIY Legal Master Class will give you answers to the Top 10 FAQs about insurance. 

It’s virtual. It’s self-paced. And it’s only 1 hour.

You’ll walk away knowing:

  • If you even NEED insurance at all for your profession.
  • If so, what KIND of insurance to get.
  • How MUCH you need to spend.
  • How much COVERAGE you actually need.
  • WHEN the right time is to get insurance.
  • What are the different TYPES of insurance – and when you need them.
  • WHERE to get the right insurance for you (and my fave insurance company I recommend to my clients all the time!)

Learn more and get the DIY Master Class on Insurance Basics here. (It’s just $97).

Getting the right insurance helps you feel more safe and secure as a biz owner. 

Getting clear about the details can put your mind at ease, knowing you’re spending money wisely on ONLY the right kind of insurance that you need… and that’s a good thing!

Here’s to understanding insurance in an easy, quick way!