⏰ Last chance for this important money workshop

by | Apr 23, 2024 | Business-Building Resources

Here’s the truth…

One thing I’ve learned from my friend Kate Northrup is that unless you create expanded capacity in your nervous system to manage and receive money without spiraling into anxiety…

You’re missing out on a whole lot of EASEFUL wealth.

And isn’t that what we all want… more ease? I know I do.

▶️ If you’re doing financially great on paper, but have trouble holding onto or growing your money…

▶️ If there’s a big gap between how you feel on the inside and what your life looks like on the outside…

▶️ If you know you could be more powerful and successful and you’re ready for your financial systems to match your true potential…

Then don’t miss out on the free 3-day workshop with the amazing Kate Northrup starting TODAY!

It’s going to feel like a gigantic hug for your money – and for your nervous system. (They go hand in hand, after all! 🤝)



Get your nervous system in a seat for the workshop here. It starts TODAY!

Kate’s going to help you understand how to safely open yourself up to all the money available to you so you can notice:

🧲 More creativity.
🧲 More impact.
🧲 More abundance.

So that attracting it will feel SO much easier.

But first?

You’ve got to become a “wide receiver” from the base of your nervous system.

Kate will show you how right here.

I can’t wait to see you on Zoom at Kate’s workshop!!

Please know that I’ll earn a commission for any purchases you make through my link—but know that I wouldn’t recommend Kate or her offerings if I didn’t truly believe in her work. Promise!