3 things all LLCs must do
If you’ve been in biz for a while now, you probably know that an LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is one of the easiest corporate entities to set up.
However, there are several requirements you must follow to keep your status as an LLC.
Many biz owners don’t know – or were never told about – these 3 key actions that all LLC owners must take to protect and honor your status as an LLC. Otherwise, you can jeopardize the very protection created for you by your LLC.
It sounds crazy, I know – but one of the most important requirements is that you have to tell people that you have an LLC, and show it publicly on most everything related to your business.
How exactly do you do that?
Learn how and get 2 other quick legal tips about the 3 things you need to do for your LLC (that you may – or may not! – be doing!)
Listen to the Legally Enlightened Podcast Episode 39 to learn 3 things all LLCs must do.
Don’t have iTunes? Listen on my website here.
In this episode I share:
- The 3 “Must-Do”s that all LLC owners need to know and do
- How to make it obvious that you have an LLC
- Where you need to show your LLC designation
- Why you need to inform people that you have an LLC
- Why you need to open a business bank account for your LLC
- How to pay yourself, your business expenses and personal expenses
- Why you can’t commingle your funds
- What you need to know about LLC renewal fees
- Why I align LLCs with the third eye chakra
And be sure to grab Episode 39’s Tip Sheet HERE so you don’t have to take notes!
If you DON’T yet have an LLC, is it time for YOU to “go pro” with an LLC? Are you feeling the nudge to step your business up to the next level of professionalism?
If so, check out Episode 6 to get a pros & cons chart to help you decide if creating an LLC is right for you.
And then feel free to reach out to have a Legal Chat if you’re feeling the intuitive hit that it’s time to raise your credibility and professionalism with an LLC.
Here’s to not jeopardizing the protection of your LLC – and to loving your biz up by having a corporate entity in the first place!