[Webinar tomorrow!] Join us for 4 biz pillars + 1 of my juiciest legal bonuses ever!

by | Jun 19, 2018 | Business-Building Resources

Want to learn 4 key pillars for growing your biz?

If you don’t know her, Carolin Soldo is an incredibly successful business coach. (I mean seriously successful – already $4 million in revenue so far this year!)

She breaks down business growth into 4 pillars that everyone needs to expand in clients and revenue.

She also is the host of the From Passion To Profits® LIVE event this September 14-16 in HOLLYWOOD at the same hotel where they host the Oscars.

Scale Big 2018.png

Her approach is designed to help you achieve lasting mindset breakthroughs, network with a powerful community and get REAL content to grow your business in everything she does – her You Tube videos, Facebook posts, courses, free content and live events.

Last year, when I attended (and spoke at) her live event, I attended every minute of the event and took pages and pages of notes in my favorite gold journal.

Anyone who knows me knows I ALWAYS take tons of notes (one of my nicknames in high school was “Notes”…. which I did NOT like at the time but now I can look back and laugh about it. I’m still that same note-taking girl from high school!)

Let me tell you… this event was different from some other live events.

Not only did I take a ton of notes, but I actually came home and USED them in my biz around mindset, growth strategies, Facebook ads, list-building and more.

This is an event where you get the goods AT the event. It’s the real deal.

Not only that, but Carolin is giving a sneak peek of her event content in a free webinar tomorrow that we’re hosting LIVE.

Join us for a FREE Masterclass tomorrow at 2:30 pm ET to learn Carolin’s 4 Pillars for business success and a bit about the event.



You’ll be able to get a head start on the content and start taking notes tomorrow (ha!)  

AND when you purchase a ticket to the live event during the Masterclass, you’ll receive a $900+ LEGAL BONUS from me that includes:

1. 1 Free DIY Legal Template of your choice – you get to pick!

2. A Free Group Q&A Legal Power Hour on How to Legally Protect Your Programs after the live event

3. A signed copy of my book Easy Legal Steps…That Are Also Good for Your Soul with a special gift wrapped up in a bow and delivered to your doorstep!

Join us LIVE for the Masterclass to get the code for the event sign up.

Register here and join us LIVE tomorrow, June 20 at 2:30 pm ET.

(Don’t forget to mark your calendar so you can attend live!)

See you tomorrow for 4 biz pillars and 1 juicy legal bonus!