4 steps that made it feel safe to film videos
I don’t know about you, but for me, getting on camera to record videos felt terrifying for so long. Not speaking on stage though. I have given so many talks over the years through my job as a lawyer and as the past president of my local Junior League that I can grace a stage without too much terror.
In fact, here’s a photo of me taken last week at Carolin Soldo’s “From Passion to Profit” event in Hollywood when I spoke on stage to over 300 people.
It was one of the best presentations I have ever given, and everyone was so generous with their compliments afterwards… both about my talk and about my bell-sleeved baby blue dress!
But filming videos. That’s a different story.
Videos are PERMANENT. They are RECORDED. They LIVE ON and ON….
Recording videos can make you feel visible and vulnerable and unsure of yourself – at least that’s how I used to feel. (And, honestly, some days I still feel wobbly.)
But not filming videos can hold you back from sharing your message, from reaching more clients and from having the business and life that you want.
In the daily business of being an entrepreneur or small business owner, It’s easy to be terrified to send our first e-newsletter, share a new e-course, offer a new program, charge money for the first time, take the stage for a speaking gig, or even film videos.
It’s easy in those times to choose Fear instead of Love, and let it stop us from showing up in bigger ways of service to the world.
At least it was for me.
But I took 4 steps that helped me feel courageous and safe to film videos when it came to technology, styling, set design and working through my (BIG!) blocks.
I wanted to share them with you in case it can help you work through your Fear to step in front of the camera to fill videos too.
(Don’t have iTunes? Listen through my website here.)
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- What it’s like to be successful but still experience Fear
- 4 steps that make it safe to film videos
- What I did about technology, styling, set design and working through blocks
- Why you should keep filming videos (even if they’re not perfect!)
- What to do INSTEAD of trying to remove Fear altogether
- How to drop into your heart and focus on your “come from”
Be sure to grab your Tip Sheet for this episode HERE for a fab summary of this episode – no need to take notes, my friend!
Here’s to moving through Fear, finding your Courage and doing it anyway.
Speaking of being on camera, we’re doing a free webinar tomorrow! Join Gena Shingle Jaffe and me TOMORROW, Tuesday 9/25 at 2 PM ET to learn how to protect your website when you are on a budget. Save your seat for the no-cost legal webinar here.
On the webinar you’ll learn how to:
- feel safe having the right language and documents in place
- legally protect your content and images – without crazy-expensive legal fees!
- stand strong knowing you can fall back on your language if someone takes your stuff.
- be confident putting your website out there
You’ll also get the details about how to easily and affordably protect your website content.
Gena and I are all about giving you info to EMPOWER you to be a strong, confident leader in your business.
Save your seat for the webinar series here.
If you can’t make it live, the webinar will be recorded, so we’ve got your back.
We can’t wait to see you for the webinars to bolster your biz on the legal front!