Over the past 8 months, I’ve been writing a book… and last week I became a #1 Best Selling Author on Amazon in just 24 hours!
Say what? YEP! It’s true!
The book is called “Easy Legal Steps…That are Also Good for Your Soul.”
It’s a legal guide for entrepreneurs and small business owners to help you go from stuck and scared of the law to confident and empowered.
It’s about 7 legal steps aligned with the 7 chakras that help you protect yourself, your biz and your brand.
And, it talks about 7 key chakra-aligned principles for successfully growing a business (like Clarity, Boundaries and Courage) that have helped me move through my own fears that I think might help you too.
You can now pre-order the Kindle version on Amazon for 99¢ HERE.
(By the way, if you’re someone who still likes to hold a physical book and see it on your bookshelf, don’t worry! I’ll be having a full-on official book launch this Spring when the book is published and ready to download on Kindle. And, if you buy the Kindle version now, you’ll still be able to get all of our Spring launch goodies and bonuses – just hang onto your Amazon receipt!)
Let me tell ya, writing this book has been quite a journey for me. It took me 2 years to find my courage – and even longer to sit down and write the freaking book.
You can see that it was a true “labor of love” for me because I spent:
- Months writing countless pages of hand-scribbled notes, journals and post-it notes that captured my random thoughts for the book.
- 6 months of bi-weekly private Zoom calls with my encouraging and caring Literary Coach Anjanette Fennell (I never could have done it without her!)
- 1 dreamy writing retreat with the incomparably-talented Laura Belgray in Cinque Terre, Italy where we spent 3 days learning how to write more colorfully (while also eating chocolate mint gelato, of course).
- 8 Saturdays cooped up at the computer with my mugs of David’s Tea and fuzzy socks frantically typing out 15-25 pages of text.
- 2 rounds of editing with my Developmental Editor Anjanette Fennell and Copy Editor Sarah Barbour.
- 1 Publish & Profit event in San Diego hosted by Mike Koenigs and Ed Rush learning how to become a best-selling author on Amazon. (Yes, I knew nothing about publishing a book on Amazon and went to a conference to learn. Money very well-spent!)
WHEW! Those are just the highlights…but guess what happened?
My book reached #1 best-seller status in 3 legal categories, including Corporate Law (!) through the Kindle pre-release alone.
I share these details with you not to boast about it (trust me, I am in as much shock as you may be!) but because I want you to know that if I can do it, YOU can do it too.
If you’ve ever wanted to write a book as part of your bucket list, let me encourage you to do it. Do whatever you need to do to bring that book to life.
Here’s the simple reason why:
- You have a gift. (Actually, MANY gifts!)
- You have something important to say – about your life, about your business, about the world.
- So many of us are eagerly waiting to hear it.
I NEVER would have thought that I could really become a #1 Best Selling Author – and certainly not in such a short time. I doubted myself. I worried my book wouldn’t be well-received. I wondered who would even want to buy it.
I also learned that every author has these worries. It’s totally normal, but I didn’t let them stop me. (Hint: you shouldn’t either.) Have you been thinking of writing a book? Do you have a book topic in mind? Are you as petrified as I was?
I’d love to hear about your book and I’d love it if you wanted to share your experience with me below. Just know you aren’t alone in this book-writing journey – I’m here for you, cheering you on!
Here’s to writing books even when you’re scared, to becoming #1 Best Sellers on Amazon and to Kindle pre-sales!

Congratulations! And thanks so much for your words of encouragement. The first draft of my first book is just about complete. It’s a guide for women who want to be more intentional and effective with their philanthropy. And like your book, it encourages women to align with their soul in the process. Never thought I’d be an author but apparently this is the journey. Excited, scared, grateful, confused….a roller coaster of emotions.
Thanks for the invitation to write about our book projects! I’ve had “writing a book” on my VIsion Board for the past few years now and I can feel the push getting louder and louder. It’s inspiring to see how you very first attempt got you amazing results!
I have to say that “time to write” and fear of falling flat on my face are huge resistance pieces still, and prevent the task from ultimately getting done. Or even started 🙂
I think I’ll set a deadline for starting to write in October 2017. Gathering information about this process until then and making sure I know how I want to deliver my sweet topic of to the public. Thanks for the prompt! Xine
Hi Lisa!
Congrats on your book! That is a huge accomplishment! Believe me, I know! 🙂
I wrote a book too, and I self-published it in 2015! It’s been out for a year and a half now. It’s sold about three or four copies and has made $26. I’m truly grateful for the few people who have bought it, and I even heard that it helped one person look at their life a little differently!
I took marketing classes too, and I tried my best to get my work out and on bigger platforms, without success. At first, I was pretty heartbroken that my book didn’t become a bestseller like I’d hoped it would. But then, after several more months, I slowly found more inner strength and decided to start another book! Can you believe it, after all that? 🙂 I’m over 71,000 words into this one now and am going to try a different way of publishing this time! And even if it doesn’t yield outer success this time, I know I can say that at least I tried to put my work into the world, and it already is there, with my first book and my blog which I did for over a year! That’s how much I love writing and believe in my work and message. If I can pick myself up after that kind of experience and still believe in myself and my gifts, especially with such a small platform and only my intuition telling me to keep writing, anyone can! 😉
I’m so happy for you that you wrote and published your book! And I’m grateful for the role you’ve played in helping me get my business off the ground! Keep doing your thing, Lisa! 🙂
Lisa thanks so much for sending this email out. I am currently in the process of conceiving and writing my first book and I found this account of what it took to get you here both encouraging and totally practical! Thanks again, I shall be pre-ordering my kindle copy ???
Christine, I am excited to hear that “writing a book” has been on your vision board and that you’ve set a goal of writing it in October 2017.
Believe me, I know the resistance can speak loudly!! Keep getting support so you can let your true voice be heard. The world needs to hear what you have to say! I’m cheering you on!
Sending you much love and encouragement!!
Francine, you have been so inspiring to me as a published author. Your journey has been amazing and I love that you are sharing your words of wisdom in yet another book. You have incredible gifts and I completely support you, my friend.
Aw, thanks Lisa! I’m truly grateful for your kind words and support!
Shasha, I am so glad to know you are on a book-writing journey too and thanks for ordering the Kindle copy. It was a monumental feat for me with lots of fears that I needed to overcome, but it has been well-worth the effort. I am sure it will be for you too.
Elisabeth – your first draft is almost complete! Congratulations to you! And yes, it’s totally a roller coaster of emotions to write a book. It takes courage, stamina, patience, optimism, and support – and WAY more of each than you think. But, if I can do it, truly anyone can do it. The world needs to hear what you have to say!
Congratulations on publishing your first book, Lisa! Just pre-ordered a copy! I looove the title and I’m not surprised in the least that it became a #1 bestseller right away. Your work is genius.
I’m so happy for you and inspired by the steps you took to publish! Thanks for laying out your process. It’s my dream to publish and I feel like I can make it happen now, too.
PS– do you plan on ever hosting an in-person “law & soul” retreat? 😉
Lisa!!! You are so sweet! I am glad you pre-ordered a copy – I think you are really going to value the info. I’m so happy to hear that you’re interested in writing your own book too…you can DEFINITELY do it! You and your beau are master writers! 🙂
And, YES, it’s on my list for 2018 to have an in-person retreat here in gorgeous Maine (I LOVE that you must have picked up my vibes!)
Legal Love to you! xoxo