Clients – even if you don’t have a big list

by | Oct 10, 2018 | Business-Building Resources

Do you ever stress out about the size of your mailing list? Especially after GDPR, if your list size has shrunk, have you been freaking out? I mean, we hear all the time how important it is to have a “big list”, right?

But, is that always true?

I have a wonderful story to share about my dear friend and colleague, Lesli Bitel, who is a leading Business Coach for Nutritionists, Dietitians, and Health professionals.

Did you know she booked 23 people into her first group program recently without even really HAVING a mailing list?

A few years back, she had a very small group of people following her work (mostly friends and family!), and yet she desperately wanted to offer a group program. Money was TIGHT after changes and transitions in her husband’s business.

Lesli had a savvy coach who taught her exactly what to do – both online and offline.

Lesli followed her coach’s instruction to the letter and booked 23 people in a $497 class!

Since then, Lesli has done several more launches and learned even more about the tips and tricks for filling a program, selling a product, or even using LAUNCH strategies to fill your private, 1:1 client spots.

This made such a big difference for her and – and it seems so many wellness professionals are asking about how to do a successful launch these days. So she’s put together a brand new webinar to share what she learned:





I’d love to invite you to join Lesli to learn “SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL LAUNCHES: How to fast-track filling your group program or even private client spots… even if you don’t have a big list.”

Grab your FREE spot right here for her webinar on Thursday, October 18th at 5pm PT / 8pm ET.

Here’s just a peek at what Lesli will be covering:

  • The 5 biggest blunders that keep soul-centered entrepreneurs from making money from their launches… and easy fixes for these. 
  • How to beat the “Fanfare Flop” – where you wholeheartedly present your new program with excitement and flourish… and then no one buys. 
  • Exactly how to set your “launch numbers” so that you exceed income and attendance expectations. 
  • The #1 secret to filling your group program or private client spots, especially when you don’t have a huge mailing list. 
  • Simple shifts that make the difference between a launch that sizzles and a launch that fizzles!

I agree with Lesli that doing a formal “launch” elevates your credibility and reputation, and inspires a lot of people to take fast action – as long as you do it in integrity with who you are.

I encourage you to make some plans to join her for this powerful training. Your list will thank you!

Register for Lesli’s free webinar on October 18th here.

Here’s to not holding yourself back because of your list size!

I believe in Lesli and the power of her work. From any offer Lesli makes, I may earn a referral fee if you eventually purchase through my link.