Cover your legal buns (and your pocketbook) for your online course
I hear this question all the time…
“Don’t people need to check a box or sign something if they purchase my online course? What do I need to do on the legal front?”
Here’s the scoop:
If you are selling an online program or e-course, use Terms of Use.
What are Terms of Use? Terms of Use are the sales policies that your clients agree to when they sign up for your course where people “check the box” that they agree to your program policies during the checkout process. This is also where you’ll include your written Refund Policy.
To protect the money you’re making from your online course, be sure your Terms of Use include a written refund policy.
** Are you already using my DIY Terms of Use? If so, you’re all set! The DIY Terms of Use already includes a “no refund” policy. I try to take care of you!
** If you’re NOT using my DIY Terms of Use, but you need some? Know that the DIY Terms of Use is a solid robust legal document written in plain English so it’s easy for you and your clients to understand and agree to. Here’s how it works – All you need to do is download it to your computer, add your info, and you can use it immediately. I even provide instructions for how to get it up on your website. Then your clients just check the box and agree to your online course sales terms AND your refund policy.
Get your DIY Terms of Use here.
Download this no-cost guide on what to include in your refund policy here:
(Don’t forget that you can get a 50% discount on refund policy language with a coupon code in the download). #legallove
Here’s to covering your legal buns (and your pocketbook!) for your online course with DIY Terms of Use!