Can you go against your own refund policy? Sometimes a client will ask, “Lisa, I’m not sure that I want to have a ‘no refund’ policy because what if I want to give someone their money back?” I tell them that you can ALWAYS waive (override) your own policy – but to do...
How to deescalate emotion when a client wants a refund In the past 2 weeks, two different coaches came to me for the same reason. They’re clients signed up, but halfway through the program, the clients got angry and asked for a refund. Have you had a client’s emotions...
2 big reasons to have a no-refund policy for instant downloads If you have a downloadable information product, e-book or DIY self-paced course, listen up. Info products are a great way to reach more people, create passive income, and have affordable options in your...
[Free Legal Love Series] What to do if a client ghosts you and doesn’t pay One of the biggest Legal Pickles™ that can happen to you is when a client “ghosts” you without notice and stops paying. The client flat out disappears. It can be especially concerning right now...
[Free Legal Love Series] What to do & say when a client asks for a refund Now more than ever, you may have a client reach out and tell you that they want a refund.Of course, as a heart-centered entrepreneur, you can feel for your client when they say they can’t...
I hear this question all the time…“Don’t people need to check a box or sign something if they purchase my online course? What do I need to do on the legal front?”Here’s the scoop:Yep!If you are selling an online program or e-course, use Terms of Use. What are Terms...