Do your big dreams leave you feeling lonely
I can remember the moment it happened for me.
I was growing my side biz steadily, but I was TERRIFIED of taking the leap and leaving my day job.
As I think back to June 2012, I was working my day job at Saint Joseph’s College, a Catholic college in Maine, where I raised money for student scholarships. I had JUST started working with online entrepreneurs as a Legal Coach® & Attorney, working with clients in evenings and on weekends.
I had originally planned to leave my day job in June 2013, but I still wasn’t ready yet. I postponed for 6 months and finally left on December 31, 2013…almost 4 years ago.
Even though it took me a while to muster the courage to leave behind a steady paycheck, there was a moment that I knew I was going to own my own business, no matter what.
I had big dreams.
I was tired of showing up to work on someone else’s time schedule and fitting my non-traditional lawyer personality into a corporate, structured environment. I had worked for other people for 18 years since graduating law school. 18 years! (I’m only 47 – geez, I’m not THAT old!)
I’ve always been grateful for my jobs at the law firm, non-profit organizations, and the college, I knew at some point that I would have my own business, set my own schedule and be my own boss.
And you know what? When I looked around, I realized that wanting to run my own show made me different from nearly everyone else around me. Not only did few others share my same dream – but some of my friends and family couldn’t understand why I would want to leave a stable weekly paycheck. (I don’t blame them…their fear just wanted me to be safe and secure.)
I felt a bit lonely.
Does having big dreams and while feeling lonely feel familiar to you?
Finding like-minded people who want to lean into their life’s true purpose to help people change their lives as a coach is tough when no one in your life is on a similar path.
I’d like you to meet someone who completely gets what that feels like – my dear friend and business coach, Jeannine (“Jey”) Yoder. Jey is amazing. She grew her own coaching practice so quickly that she was not only featured on the front page of The New York Times, but she reached 6 figures within just 14 months of launching her coaching business – and she’s a mama to a sweet little girl. Isn’t that incredible?
Jey has cultivated a loving, supportive sisterhood of women and mentors from all over the world.
Now Jey’s passion is supporting women in opening the doors to their dream life coaching businesses as a business coach for feminine leaders and the founder of Mentor Masterclass, an intimate life coach training school for women.
Jey understands that you cannot reach your highest levels of success and be recognized for what makes you unique if you’re trying to do it all alone!
Right now Jey’s sharing a 7 day masterclass for how to grow your coaching practice with self-confidence, inner guidance and feminine power called “Self-Discovery Week”, all for free, via video.
Watch this video NOW to learn more about Jey’s free Mentor Masterclass Self-Discovery Week.
I’ve been grateful to be part of Jey’s prior Masterclasses, along with my legal wonder-twin Gena Shingle Jaffe, so I know the level of excellence Jey brings to her work.
Watching the video, you’ll walk away with:
- The unique 4-step process Jey used to become a 6-figure coach in just 14 months and how Mentor Masterclass helps you create new self-empowering beliefs that get you there.
- Why SELF-DISCOVERY is the key that unlocks the door to becoming a confident coach (and what the heck she means by that).
- How to use role models and mentors to create a coaching brand and serve a niche community of clients, that reflects your true gifts and personality.
- The real reasons most women feel the desire to become coaches and feminine leaders (and how that makes them truly successful!)
If you’re looking for solutions to build your self-confidence and grow your business more quickly, Jey’s self-discovery week helps you find the answers you’re looking for. All in just 7 days.
Meet and connect with Jey right now in this video for Self-Discovery Week.
Feel free to share with me how Jey’s message resonated and your self-discoveries after watching the video.
There are plenty of future clients out there, looking for exactly what you have to offer. Remember, this is only the beginning. You are not alone.