Find ease, flow, freedom and femininity in your biz right here

by | Dec 8, 2017 | Blog, Business-Building Resources

The holidays are upon us!

This time of year can totally test my ability to manage my time. I’m torn between holding Legal Power Hours, decorating my house (the holidays are my fave!), and baking gluten-free holiday gingerbread cookies (YUM!).

I’m also trying to sneak in some yoga so that my emotions can stay in check and I can be the best “me” turning this crazy-busy time. #somedaysarebetterthanothers

On a life-level, this time of year we want to check things off of our list and we push, push, push. On a soul-level, this time of year is a time for reflection, renewal and ease – especially during the current Mercury Retrograde.

Sounds like an oxymoron, right?
Make time to shop ‘til you drop AND reflect and renew.
Live a healthy lifestyle AND savor those holiday cookies.
Celebrate AND rest.

But, you know me… I am all about the “AND” of everything!

That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to Jeannine Yoder (who goes by “Jey”).

Jey has a unique process to help women who are tired of the masculine “striving” model to find ease, flow, freedom, and femininity in their business.

She’s holding a free Mentor Masterclass Holiday Challenge to show you how to have more flow – and less push.

Jey has brought 20 high-vibe celebrity mentors together (including Gena Shingle Jaffe and me!) to share examples of how to practice this soulful process.

It’s not about “doing the steps to make the money” in business. It’s about being ready to feel your heart and feminine power so you can be open and ready for life’s possibilities.



Join the Mentor Masterclass Holiday Challenge here.

You can think of this Holiday Challenge as an escape and a gift, rather than another burdensome “to-do” item. Each day there will be a video with a small action step to take to help you ease into the holidays and prepare for 2018.

You’ll receive daily challenges from these #rockstar coaches (totally not exaggerating!):

  • Danielle LaPorte
  • Kate Northrup
  • Jena LaFlamme
  • Rochelle Sheik
  • Nisha Moodley
  • Erin Stutland
  • Amanda Daley
  • Cora Poage
  • Nicole Moore
  • Julie Santiago
  • Jennifer Racciopi
  • Elayne Doughty
  • Andrea Owen
  • Isabel Foxen Du
  • Nicole Jardim
  • Rachel Pesso
  • Hilary Weiss
  • Ginny Muir
  • Gena Shingle Jaffe & me

(See, I told you they’re #rockstar coaches!)

The challenge runs from December 12- January 4 – just in time to take you from an egg-nog puddle to a New Year’s starlet!

Gena and I will be featured on December 30th.

What better way to kick off the New Year than getting your legal ducks in a row for 2018?!

Sign up for the free Holiday Challenge here.

And oh! If you don’t know Jey, she is impressive. She’s a New York Times featured Celebrity Life Coach, Broadway actor, and founder of where she helps women go from best-kept-secret to well-connected insider and life-changing master coach. Jey’s devoted to making sure that you experience personal love, sisterhood, and connection during the holidays – and always.

Between your holiday shopping trips to the mall and your own gluten-free cookie baking, make time for yourself and your biz too with a quick daily challenge to bring a smile to your face, warmth to your heart and support to your biz.  

Join us for the free Holiday Challenge here.



If you’re still shopping for holiday gifts for your team and want a bonus for you, my book “Easy Legal Steps” is the perfect business-building gift (that won’t break the bank)!

Order 5 paperback copies of my book “Easy Legal Steps” on Amazon for your team, clients, or friends and YOU receive the gift of a FREE 30-Minute Power Hour just for YOU to ask questions and get legal clarity.

What’s even better? Purchase 10 books and receive a FREE 1-Hour Power Hour for even more holiday cheer!  

How to get your FREE 30-Minute or 1-Hour Power Hour:
1. Order your 5 or 10 books at or directly on Amazon here.
2. Then send your receipt to showing your purchase.

Offer is valid through December 15, 2017 at 11:59pm PT.







Happy holidays!