My first ever Facebook Live – and I’m giving away FREE LEGAL DOCS

by | Aug 8, 2017 | Business-Building Resources

Even though I’ve done hundreds of live webinar interviews and dozens of videos, I have still been shaking in my shoes at the thought of doing a Facebook Live.

I have sheets of topics to share.
I have talked endlessly with coaches and my team.
I have brainstormed ways to roll them out.

But it wasn’t until I was invited to SCALE BIG with Carolin Soldo that I decided to take the plunge!

Carolin is hosting the hottest coaching event in the industry – From Passion To Profits LIVE – to help you achieve lasting mindset breakthroughs, join a powerful community and revolutionize your business!


Carolin and I will be doing my first ever Facebook Live TOMORROW, Wednesday August 9 at 3 pm ET HERE to tell you all the reasons why you should attend!



We’ll be discussing how to legally protect your biz as you SCALE BIG – AND for those who purchase a ticket to the live event on the Facebook live – you will receive 4 FREE LEGAL DOCS from me! (A $1588 value!)

Here are the 4 free legal documents you receive as my gift:

  • You’ll be able to hire a team with the DIY Independent Contractor Agreement.
  • You’ll put the details in writing for 1-on-1 clients with the DIY Client Agreement.
  • You’ll be protecting privacy for your opt-in page with the DIY Privacy Policy.
  • And you’ll be protecting your group program offers with the DIY Terms of Use!

But you’ll have to join us LIVE to get the code.

Step 1: Like my Facebook page HERE so you will be ready to join us tomorrow.

Step 2: Join us HERE tomorrow at 3 pm ET for the Facebook LIVE.

(You’ll have to attend live to redeem this offer, so mark your calendar now.)

See you tomorrow!